The tree image you
see here is a compilation of thoughts and ideas from two people, Nora
Demers and the artist, Carrie Resseger of South Beach, Oregon. The tree
itself is an actual tree that grows on Bay Street in Newport, Oregon.
Carrie worked on
a series of Biology posters while Nora Demers was a Graduate Student
at Oregon State University. The posters were prepared as an announcement
for the annual Biology Graduate Student Symposium. The purpose of the
Symposium is to help the diverse student population to learn about the
variety of research questions and approaches used to answer Biological
questions- that is to make us more aware of the interconnectedness of
not only our research but life itself.
The "space ship"
in the center is actually an adenovirus- the cause of the common cold
and represents the many micro-organisms that share our world. There
are numerous other organisms incorporated into the tree including: a
heron family, an alligator, snakes, gray whale, butterflies, an insect
and an antelope. There is a beaver in the roots as well as a human fetus
and two frogs in amplexus. The fish and squirrel are yet more organisms
we scientists choose to study to understand "LIFE."
This poster demonstrates
the interconnectedness of life and the close link between Science and
- N. Demers