
        String name = nameField.getText();
        String phone = phoneField.getText();
        String email = emailField.getText();
        // add to the list box
        Employee emp = new Employee(name, phone, email);   // create an employee object
        DefaultListModel employeemodel = (DefaultListModel)employeeList.getModel();  // get a reference to the list model
        employeemodel.addElement(emp);  // add the employee to the list

 DefaultListModel employeemodel = (DefaultListModel)employeeList.getModel();
 int indices[] = employeeList.getSelectedIndices();  // get an array of select items
 for(int i = indices.length-1; i >= 0; i--)   // remove items one at a time,
       employeeModel.remove(indices[i]);   // start with the last one.