Resources for

EDF 5136 Adolescent Development

Summer 2000

Adolescence Directory On-Line
Resources focus on the social and emotional development of adolescents.
Includes eating disorders, depression, and teen pregnancy.
About the Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse
The Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse is
sponsored by the Juvenile Justice Role Model Development Project
CSPV Publications
Youth Violence: An Overview. Dr. Delbert Elliott, Ph.D. Director Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence March 1994.
School Size, School Climate, and Student Performance
School Improvement Research Series (SIRS) Research You Can Use. #20. School Size, School Climate, and Student Performance.
Child Development
CHILD DEVELOPMENT. The following list is to aid you in finding relevant
educational resources on the World Wide Web on Child Development.
Catholic Youth Ministry
In this section of our web site, you will find brief overviews of this
essential information in youth ministry.
Questions and Answers
Here are links to some Questions and Answers with Mike., along with links to other useful
AMA Adolescent Health On-Line
Adolescent Health On-Line. Welcome! The American Medical Association's
(AMA) Department of Adolescent Health is pleased to provide you with this
Adolescence Substance Abuse and Recovery
Presented by the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre, this
site focuses on the needs of adolescents, and young adults.
Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
The Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention is here in
Cyberspace for those of you on the front-line of Adolescent Pregnancy
Center for Child and Adolescent Violence Prevention



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