Chapter 9 Objectives

  1. Culture and Adolescence
    1. Define culture and list key features
    2. Define and distinguish social class and ethnicity
    3. Define ethnocentrism and explain its importance in relation to research on adolescence
    4. Discuss cross-cultural studies and what they have taught us abut achievement orientation and adolescent sexuality
    5. Define and differentiate assimilation, acculturation, alternation and multicultural model of cultural change
    6. Define and distinguish assimilation, integration, separation and marginalization
    7. Define and discuss rites of passage and their universality (or lack of) in the U.S.
  2. Where Adolescents Hang Out
    1. Why are cross-cultural studies important in defining how adolescents spend their time?
    2. Explain the experience sampling method and what it indicates about how adolescents spend their time.
  1. Social Class and Poverty
    1. Distinguish between a 2-class and 5-class category scheme for social class
    2. Indicate a synonym for social class and explain inequities associated with class.
    3. Summarize social differences in child rearing attitudes and practices
    4. Indicate the connection between social class and mental health problems
    5. Compare and contrast schools in low- and higher income neighborhoods.
    6. Describe psychological and social characteristics associated with impoverished individuals.
    7. Define the concept ‘feminization of poverty.’
    8. Explain why developmentalists are particularly concerned about low-income, single mother families.
  1. Domains and Issues
    1. list examples of ethnic animosity
    2. explain ‘model minority’ and explain why middle class minorities cannot escape their ethnic minority status.
    3. Define ethnic diversity, give examples of diversity within an ethnic group, and discuss the reason it is important to recognize diversity within a group.
    4. Explain concerns about the lack of minority role models.
    5. Define and discuss the concepts of prejudice, discrimination, and bias.
    6. Define and distinguish between value conflict, assimilation, and pluralism.
  1. Television and Media
    1. Explain the reason an understanding of media is important to understanding adolescent development
    2. List the functions of media for adolescents
    3. Explain what it means to say there are large individual differences n the use of media by adolescents.
    4. Indicate conclusions from the research about the connection between television violence and violent behavior from longitudinal studies and research reviews.
    5. Evaluate the claim that watching television sex influences adolescents’ sexual attitudes and behavior.
    6. List factors that influence how much viewing aggression and sex on television affects adolescent behavior.
    7. Discuss the controversy of music lyrics and videos and their impact on adolescents.
  1. Social Policy
    1. Review the policy initiative of the 1995 Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development.