Chapter 15 Learning Objectives

Adolescent Problems

  1. Abnormality
    1. Explain why it is difficult to define abnormal behavior, and then define it
    2. Define and distinguish between biological, psychological, sociocultural, and interaction approaches to specifying the causes of abnormal behavior.
    3. Define the medical model and indicate its relationship to the biological model.
    4. Indicate how proponents of the psychological and sociocultural perspective criticize the medical model.
    5. Indicate why the interactionist approach is likely the best.
    6. Characterize developmental, sex, and social differences in adolescent disorders.
    7. Identify the disorders that most often cause adolescents to be referred for treatment.
    8. Summarize findings regarding problems and competencies of children dn adolescents who receive mental health services compared to matched counterparts.

2. Drugs and Alcohol

    1. Explain why adolescents take drugs.
    2. Explain why substance use is maladaptive.
    3. Define and distinguish: tolerance, addiction, withdrawal, and psychological dependence.
    4. Sketch and explain trends in adolescent drug use over the past 20 years identified by Johnston, Bachman and O'Malley.
    5. Describe the effects of alcohol on adolescents' bodies, behavior and lives.
    6. Describe trends and patterns in alcohol use over the past decade.
    7. List and describe risk factors in adolescent alcohol abuse.
    8. List ways to prevent or reduce adolescent alcohol abuse.
    9. Define hallucinogen, stimulant, and depressant, and provide examples and trends in use of each.
    10. Explain why drug use among adolescents and children is a special concern.
    11. Describe trends in use among early adolescents.
    12. Outline Brook's developmental model of drug abuse.
    13. Describe evidence that positive relationships with parents and other people reduce drug abuse.
    14. List ways schools can play a role in prevention of drug abuse.

3. Juvenile Delinquency

    1. Define juvenile delinquency and distinguish between index offenses and status offenses.
    2. Define conduct disorder.
    3. Indicate the incidence of delinquency and conduct disorders.
    4. List antecedents of delinquency.
    5. Explain how juvenile delinquency is a failure of self-control in terms of adolescents' ability to distinguish acceptable and unacceptable behavior, delay gratification, develop adequate conduct standards, anticipate the consequences of their behavior, and develop a positive self-image.
    6. List and describe family processes associated with delinquency, and evaluate whether these correlates are causes of delinquency.
    7. Explain how lower class culture and community may be a cause of delinquency.
    8. Indicate the role peers, especially peers in gangs, play in juvenile delinquency.
    9. Indicate the problem, correlates and conditions of youth violence.
    10. List factors involved in the prevention of youth violence.
    11. List attempts to reduce delinquency.

4. Depression and Suicide

    1. Define and distinguish among depressed mood, depressive syndromes, and clinical depression.
    2. Define and distinguish between major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder.
    3. Describe the incidence of the varieties of depression.
    4. Explain Bowlby's view that cognitive schema developed during childhood cause adolescent depression.
    5. Describe the connection between mothers, daughters and depression.
    6. Define learned helplessness and explain how it could cause adolescent depression.
    7. Explain why adolescent depression needs to be taken seriously.
    8. Describe the incidence of suicide in general and among male versus female, African American versus White adolescents.
    9. Discuss why adolescents commit suicide.
    10. Sketch a psychological portrait of a suicidal adolescent.
    11. List the early warning signs of suicide.
    12. List what to do and what not to do if you suspect someone is suicidal.

5. Interrelation of Problems

    1. Define and distinguish between very-high-risk youth and high-risk youth.
    2. List interrelationships among adolescent problem behaviors.
    3. List and describe the 11 common components of programs that successfully reduce or prevent adolescent problems according to research by Dryfoos.