Chapter 14 Learning Objectives

Achievement, Careers and Work

  1. Achievement
    1. Explain why adolescence is a critical juncture in achievement, and identify the social and psychological forces that meet at this juncture.
    2. Define and give examples of the concept of motivation.
    3. Define achievement motivation, indicate how it is assessed and parenting practices associated with high levels of it.
    4. Define attribution theory and its connection on achievement.
    5. Define and distinguish between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
    6. Define and distinguish between adolescents who have a helpless orientation versus those who have a mastery orientation or a performance orientation.
    7. Explain how the concepts of culturally different and social class are either overlooked or confused in explanations of achievement among ethnic minority adolescents.
    8. Compare and contrast the mathematics and science achievement of American adolescents to adolescents elsewhere.
    9. Evaluate the western stereotype of Asian students.
    10. Compare characteristics and achievement of Asian adolescents whose families came to the United States in the 1960's or early 1970's to those who came in the late 1970's.

2. Career Development

    1. Sketch the picture of tomorrow's jobs for today's adolescents according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
    2. Discuss Ginzberg's developmental career choice theory and define the stages.
    3. Discuss Super's career self-concept theory and distinguish key concepts of crystallization, specification, implementation, stabilization, and consolidation.
    4. Discuss Hollands personal type theory.
    5. List criticisms of all career development theories.
    6. List sociocultural influences on career development.
    7. List and give examples of how parents and peers influence career choices.
    8. State and criticize Roe's claims about parental influence on career choice.
    9. State the importance of schools to adolescent's career development
    10. Characterize the influence of gender socialization on career development (and discuss the lack of research on gender socialization for certain gender group(s)).
    11. Describe the role mothers play in the career decisions of their children.
    12. Explain why intervention is need in the career development of ethnic minority youth, and describe an effective intervention for inner-city youth.

3. Work

    1. Outline trends in employment for male and female adolescents over the past 100 years.
    2. Summarize Greenberger and Steinberg's findings regarding the effects of part-time work on adolescent achievement and development.
    3. Evaluate recent findings regarding the link between part-time work during adolescence and problem behaviors.
    4. Indicate rates of unemployment generally among adolescent White, African American and Hispanics.
    5. List and give examples of ways to help adolescents bridge the gap between school and work.
    6. List and give examples of ways to help adolescents who lack a high school diploma to find work.