EDF 5135: Adolescence

How I Feel About My Body (Female)

(from Dacey, J. & Kenny, M. (1994). Adolescent Development.



My Age _____ My Height _____ My Weight_____ My Waist _____ (in inches)
    Compared to Others How I feel about it
    Bigger than average Average Smaller than average Good Bad Neutral
1. My height            
2. My weight            
3. My bust            
4. My hips            
5. My legs            
6. My nose            
    Better than average Average Less than average Good Bad Neither
7. The quality of my hair            
8. The beauty of my eyes            
9. My face in general            
10. My figure in general            
11. My cleanliness            
12. My posture            
13. My sports ability            
14. How coordinated I am            
15. The quality of my skin            
16. My clothes            
17. My strength            
18. My teeth            
19. My overall looks            

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