EDF 5135: Adolescence

Course Assignments

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 Chapter Exams- 3 exams will be planned over the summer. Each exam will be designed to test your knowledge of the assigned readings for the night.

 Course Project: Each students will be expected to substantially invest themselves in a research project around a specific topic of interest. The topic should be broad enough to allow the knowledge gained from research in the specific area to inform understanding of content found in other parts of the class. However, the topic should be constrained enough to allow individuals to remain focused and directed. Each student will write and submit a written paper covering their work. These papers likely will be in the 8-10 page range. As noted below, students may choose to work in dyads on this project, but the resultant paper must reflect the effort of the larger resources available. APA style is mandatory. Additional instructions will be provided under separate cover. Click here for additional information.

 Participation: This class will be developed as an interactive class focusing on skills as well as knowledge. Participation is considered necessary to gain the most from the experience. While students will not receive "participation points," the student's involvement in every aspect of the class will be carefully considered in assigning all final grades.

 Attendance: In order for maximum learning to occur, you must attend class regularly. Everyone is entitled to one absence without penalty. For each absence beyond one, your course grade will be lowered by one-half letter. To be considered present you must be in class from beginning to end on a given day. While we appreciate receiving notice in advance when students are unable to attend, we will not determine if an absence is appropriate or excused. All absences will be treated the same regardless of circumstances.

 WebBoard Postings: A class WebBoard has been set-up for students as a way to promote interaction across the week. By adding this type of interaction to the class, a number of objectives can be achieved. Class time is no longer constraint to the hours in class, individuals who were unable to give voice to opinions have an alternative format, and students are provided a forum in which to express reflective thoughts about the class. The class WebBoard will be divided in to a series of conferences. Each conference will be related to a reading that will be provided by the instuctor or available on-line. AFTER YOU HAVE READ THE ASSIGNED READING, you will be required to make at least 2 postings in each conference. One post must be a direct response to my opening post or discussion starter. The second post must be a response to a post already made by a peer. At the instructors discretion, additional points may be assigned to individuals who provide more than 2 posts in a week, if the additional posts add to or facilitate the discussion in a substantial manner.

Site Visit and Paper: To meet the required number of hours necessary for a 4 credit course, and to connect in-class learning with the real world of adolescents, students will commit the equivalent of 1 full day (8 hours) of involvement with 2 facilities or programs in our community that work with adolescents in some fashion. These 2 facilties/programs should share some common goal, population or interventon model. Because 1 component of the assignment is to facilitate your knowledge growth, you will not be allowed to visit a facility/program with which you have a prior relationship. Therefore, students should not use, for the purposes of this assignment, their worksite, a former employer, a church where they are a member or regular attendee, an agency where they perform regular volunteer service, or any other setting where a prior relationship and knowledge base exists. Students are encouraged to work with other students to gain access to facilities/programs.

The site/program chosen should coincide with the topic you have chosen for your research project. For instance, if you choose the topic of adolscent substance abuse, then you might visit a local facility that provides substance abuse treatment to adolescents on an inpatient/residential basis, and another that provides outpatient services (or you might choose 2 different outpatient programs). Your task will be to compare and contrast these two programs, based on the reserach you have conducted as part of your research project, and make some evaluative statements about the programs.

The purpose of your visit will be to collect information about the program, its objectives, structure, rules, staff, etc. in sufficient detail to allow you to discuss the program as a portion of your overall research project.

Before 5pm on May 19, each student will post on the class webboard under the conference "Research Proposal" a written statment describing the topic they intend to research. This must include sufficient detail for the instructor to evaluate the appropriateness of the topic for this class. Also include the name of any co-collaborator if applicable.

At the start of class on May 31, students will supply to the instructor a statement of the facilities/programs they intend to visit, and the date and time when these visits are scheduled. In addition, the instructor will be provided with the name of the contact person with whom the student is working to coordinate the visit. This will be provided to the insturctor in writing, typewritten. Your overall project grade will be docked if this deadline is not met in the manner stated.

Students may choose to work together in small groups to complete this project. However, in so doing, each group will have to justify their work in relation to individuals working alone. Therefore, a well written 8-10 page paper (hint: that's my expectation) by 1 individual may well receive a higher grade than a 12 page paper written by 2 individuals. Click here for more information.

PLEASE NOTE: All written assignments should be typed and presented in a professionally appropriate fashion. Points will be deducted for poor editing, spelling, grammar, etc. All assignments should be turned in by at the beginning of class on the date due. Late assignments will be assessed a 10% penalty (of total possible points) for each week or portion of a week they are late. Broken computers, failed e-mail, or hungry dogs are not appropriate reasons to fail to have a paper turned in on time. Because the summer session is shortened, it is difficult to keep up with student work. I can only do my job if I receive all materials in a timely fashion.

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