This program is designed to simulated both hurricane damage and recovery. Hurricane storm data is used to influence the spatial pattern of intensity of damage, and recovery is quantified based on changes in tree community composition, biomass, and vertical structure of the canopy. Model StructureModel Sequence of Operations
Read set-up files (RUN.SET,INPUT.SET,RECOV.SET) Input topographic data (TOPO.DAT) Determine topographic positions (subroutine TOPGRPH) or Read in topographic position (POSITION.DAT) Calculate growth rate from position in gradients (GRADIENT.DAT) or Read in growth rate data (GROWTH.DAT) Input initial storm event month (TIME.DAT) Main loop - monthly time step At storm event times: (subroutine STORM) Read in damage data if available (DAMAGE.DAT) or Simulate damage data Read in hurricane data (HURR.DAT) or Simulate hurricane information (SIM.DAT) Calculate exposure (subroutine EXPOSE) Calculate damage (subroutine DAMAGE) Read in disturbance history if available (HISTORY.DAT) Read in soil type data if available (SOIL.DAT) Read in tree species data if available (TREE.DAT) Recovery initial conditions (subroutine START) Calculate recovery cell by cell Community changes (subroutine SUCCESS) Biomass changes (subroutine BIOMASS) Canopy recovery (subroutine CANOPY)Directions to Use
1) Edit the set-up files. Each has the format of seven columns that include each set-up variable, followed by up to 65 columns of text explaining the variable. There are three required set-up files: RUN.SET, INPUT.SET, and RECOV.SET. RUN.SET includes variables that define the nature of the simulation. INPUT.SET includes variables that determine use of optional data sets. RECOV.SET includes variables for defining the dynamics of recovery. RUN.SET 18.25 : Latitude of study site (North positive) 65.75 : Longitude of study site (West positive) 50 : Number of rows of data 50 : Number of columns of data 1 : Start month for the simulation 1200 : End month for the simulation 1 : Number of hurricanes in the simulation 20.0 : Spatial scale of grid cells (meters on a side) 30.0 : % change in elev. indicating a topographic feature 5 : # of times to print map - up to 25 (listed below) 1 2 10 36 48 3 : # of cells to print - up to 25, row list then column 2 8 16 15 23 21 INPUT.SET 1 : Storm times: simulated times (0), all listed (1) 0.0517 : Probability per year, based on 15 storms in 290 years 1 : Storm data: simulated (0), each storm (1), reused (2) 0 : Topographic data: (0) must calculate, (1) available 1 : Damage empirical data available (1) or not (0) 1 : Disturbance history data available (1) or not (0) 1 : Soil type data available (1) or not (0) 1 : Tree species data available (1) or not (0) 0 : Growth category data available (1) use gradients (0) RECOV.SET 1 : Calculating exposure (1) equal (2) weight SSE (3) weight LSE 1 : Calculation of damage: (1) deterministic or (2) stochastic 1 : Recovery dynamics: (1) asymptotic or (2) four-phase 60 : REORG Length of reorganization period (months) 720 : BMRECV Recovery time (months) 11.91 : Initial biomass (kg/m^2) for valleys 12.14 : Initial biomass (kg/m^2) for benches 18.55 : Initial biomass (kg/m^2) for slopes 31.21 : Initial biomass (kg/m^2) for ridges 1.3100 : AVEPAPI average API for plots < 1.5 0.1060 : SDPAPI standard deviation for mean of plots < 1.5 2.1050 : AVECAPI average API for plots > 1.5 0.3830 : SDCAPI standard deviation for mean of plots > 1.5 0.0083 : APISLP slope of API recovery curve, loss of API per month 0.0030 : AVEADJ adjusts average API based on increased mortality 0.0083 : DEADSLP slope of mortality during reorganization 58.0 : SURST starting percent cover for surviving layer 88.0 : CANST starting percent cover for canopy layer 77.0 : SUBST starting percent cover for subcanopy layer 44.0 : SHBST starting percent cover for shrub layer 34.0 : HRBST starting percent cover for herb layer 6.5 : LAIST starting leaf area index 0.41 : DMADJ1 factor to adjust structural damage 0.63 : DMADJ2 factor to adjust compositional damage 2) Prepare input data files. There is one required data and seven optional data sets. Of the latter, four involve procedures where the data is either input from a data set or it is calculated within the program. The remaining three data files are set up to modify calculations of damage, if they are available. Required data sets: TOPO.DAT - The topographic data, elevation, percent slope, aspect (eight number code), and general aspect (side of the mountain), in the format F10.1, F10.2, 2I8. The map must be oriented so the values start in the northwest corner of the map, move east across the row, then south sown to the next row. The file must have a two line header which can include the description of the map. Optional data sets: POSITION.DAT - This file has the topographic position data to be used instead of the subroutine TOPOGRPH. The file has a two-line header and a single column of values for the categorical variable TOPG (1: valley, 2: bench, 3: slope, 4: ridge) format I5. GROWTH.DAT - This file has the values for the categorical variable GROWRATE (1: slow, 2: medium, and 3: fast). The file has no header, the values are in one column, format I5. GRADIENT.DAT - The abiotic gradients, average light level in watts/m2 and available water (mm) in a two column format (2F7.1). No file header. TIME.DAT - The time, month number, for each storm event. File has a two line header than each storm time in a format I5. This file is created by RECOVER if it is not present. HURR.DAT - This is an optional file because the program will simulate the data for each storm if it is not available, or can be set to reuse one set of data for every storm. Format: 4 : Hurricane intensity Simpson Index 1 - 5 1 : Path relative to LEF 1-N, 2-through, 3-S, 4-W, 5-E 3 : Hurricane track 1-SW, 2-W, 3-NW, 4-N, 5-NE SIM.DAT - Includes the probabilities for storm characteristics if the hurricane data is simulated. Format: This file contains cumulative probabilities of storm intensity (CATE), storm path (PATH), and storm direction (DIRC) 0.40 : CP(1) Probability of a Simpson Category 1 hurricane 0.70 : CP(2) Probability of a Simpson Category 2 hurricane 0.85 : CP(3) Probability of a Simpson Category 3 hurricane 0.95 : CP(4) Category 4 hurricane (remaining Category 5) 0.12 : PP(1) Probability of north path 0.36 : PP(2) Probability of passing directly over the forest 0.89 : PP(3) Probability of south path 0.94 : PP(4) Probability of west path (remaining East) 0.06 : DP(1) Probability southwest moving track 0.18 : DP(2) Probability west moving track 0.88 : DP(3) Probability northwest moving track 0.95 : DP(4) Probability north moving track DAMAGE.DAT - has empirical damage data for a storm and can be used instead of the subroutine DAMAGE. Contains two columns of damage data, percent structural damage and percent mortality (2F7.2) HISTORY.DAT - read in categorical data that defines different disturbance histories and influences damage (I5) SOIL.DAT - read in categorical data that defines different soil types and influences damage (I5) TREE.DAT - read in Average Pioneer Index values to influence damage simulation (F5.2) 3) Run the model by entering RECOVER. There are three output files, DAMAGE.OUT - list the structural and compositional damage for all cells after each disturbance event. CELL.OUT stores recovery data for each time step for all cells selected in RUN.SET, and averages values for all cells (not just selected cells, for each time step) MAP.OUT - stores recovery data for every cell for selected time-steps in RUN.SETRun Options
Simulations can be adjusted by changing the: 1) length of time for the simulation - end time of the simulation (RUN.SET) 2) number of hurricanes in the simulation (RUN.SET) 3) disturbance regime by changing probability of storms per year (INPUT.SET) 4) disturbance regime by changing the probability of different intensity storms (HURR.DAT) 5) starting (and therefore endpoint) biomasses (RECOV.SET) 6) length of time to recover (RECOV.SET) 7) recovery dynamics: asymptotic curve for biomass or including a four-phase recovery curve and the length of the reorganization period (RECOV.SET) Return to the Table of Contents