VI. Hurricane Recovery Plot variables

ABIOTIC VARIABLES: Elevation - in meters. Exposure - based on aspect, exposure to primarily NE wind. 4: NE, 3: E and N, 2: NW and SE, 1: W and S, 0: SW Slope - percent slope. Topography - topographic exposure class. 1: valley, 2: bench, 3: slope, 4: ridge 1936 Cover - percent cover from the 1936 aerial photos. 1: < 20%, 2: 20-50%, 3: 50-80%, 4: 80-100% 1936 Gaps - gaps for the 1936 photos. 1: gap, 0: no gap Soil Type - Soil types. 1: coloso clay, 2: cristal clay, 3: prieto clay, 4: zarzal clay, 5: fluvaquent Substrate - rockiness. 1: extremely bouldery, 2: rubbly, 3: very bouldery, 4: very rubbly
BIOTIC VARIABLES: Stems - number of 10 cm stems alive when the hurricane hit Basal Area - basal area (cm2) of stems alive when hurricane hit PREMON - number of Prestoea montana CASARB - number of Casearia arborea DACEXC - number of Dacryodes excelsa MANBID - number of Manilkara bidentata INGLAU - number of Inga laurina SLOBER - number of Sloanea berteriana TABHET - number of Tabebuia heterophylla GUAGUI - number of Guarea guidonia MATDOM - number of Matayba domingensis ALCLAT - number of Alchornea latifolia DIDMOR - number of Didymopanax morototoni CECSCH - number of Cecropia schreberiana
DAMAGE VARIABLES: Snapped - number of stems snapped off by the hurricane Root - number of stems broken at the roots by the hurricane Tip-up - number of stems uprooted by the hurricane Bent - number of stems bent by the hurricane Branch - number of undamaged stems with branch damage Dead - total number of dead stems % Dead - proportion of stems dead Total Stem - total number of stems with major damage, or dead % Stems - proportion of stems with major damage or dead BA Damaged - basal area (cm2) of total stem damage % BA - proportion based on M. basal area Height - average of the sixteen 5 m posts for each quadrat
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