Abbreviations and Indices

API     - average pioneer index

BEW     - Bisley Experimental Watershed

BIOMASS - subroutine for simulating biomass recovery

CANOPY  - subroutine for simulating recovery of canopy structure

cm      - centimeters

DAMAGE  - subroutine for simulating hurricane damage

dbh     - diameter at breast height

EXPOSE  - subroutine for determining expose to a given hurricane

FD      - difference in fit

FHD     - foliage height diversity

FHP     - foliage height profile

Ft      - Average fit over all spatial scales

Fw   -    Fit at a given window size (spatial scale)

H'   -    Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index used to quantify FHD

hr   -    hour

HRP     - Hurricane Recovery Plot

in      - inches

km      - kilometer

LAI     - Leaf Area Index - estimated by total number of touches
          in vertical profile

LEF     - Luquillo Experimental Forest

LSE     - large scale exposure - used in simulating damage

m       - meters

MDPGA   - multiple dimension primary gradient space analysis

RAWS    - remote automatic weather station

RECOVER - simulation model of hurricane disturbance and recovery

SSE     - small scale exposure used in simulating damage

SUCCESS - subroutine for simulating community dynamics

TOPOGRPH- subroutine for determining topographic position

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