Hurricanes and other catastrophic wind events impact forests over most of the globe. I examine spatial patterns of damage and the factors that influence these patterns, and the resulting dynamics of vegetation recovery in a subtropical wet forest following hurricane disturbance. I develop an approach to modeling disturbance dynamics in which any point in geographical space can be represented as a position in a multiple gradient space of abiotic factors; and disturbance and recovery are quantified as movements within this gradient space. Spatial pattern analysis indicates a significant clumping of hurricane damage. Canonical correlation analysis is used to compare the relative influence of abiotic factors to biotic factors in determining the severity of damage. Spatial patterns of hurricane damage are most strongly correlated to biotic factors, i.e. differential distribution of tree species. I quantify recovery in terms of vegetation community dynamics, rates of biomass accrual, and restructuring of the canopy. These recovery dynamics are predicted based on gradients of abiotic environmental factors and severity of hurricane disturbance. A two-dimensional gradient space of damage severity, quantified as structural damage (percent basal area lost) and compositional damage (percent mortality), is effective in predicting the major path to recovery: regeneration (sprouting of surviving trees) versus recruitment (establishment of pioneer species). A two- dimensional gradient space, of simulated solar radiation and soil moisture, allows prediction of rates of biomass accrual. Post- disturbance biomass increases are maximized under high levels of solar radiation and moderate level of soil moisture and damage. The vertical restructuring of vegetation is associated with community dynamics of recovery, as predicted by damage severity and by topographic position. I integrate these responses with a spatially-explicit computer model (RECOVER) which simulates patterns of damage and recovery from a hurricane of a given intensity and track. Simulated patterns of disturbance and recovery indicate that the ecosystem is more sensitive to changes in the frequency of hurricanes than to changes in intensity of storms. This model can be used to investigate hypotheses about the dynamics of hurricane disturbance and recovery. Return to the Table of Contents