A Bibliography of


This bibiliography includes over 500 papers that describe the impacts of catastrophic wind 
events, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes, gales, and intense wind storms, on forest
vegetation. Some additional papers on wind meteorology, chronic wind impacts, and tree
morphology and physiology, are included. Some papers are cited from other works and were not directly reviewed. These are marked
with *. Some appear in non-english text. Brackets [] indicate titles that are translated
to english. This page was last updated on February 3, 1996. It is maintained by:

Edwin M. Everham III
Florida Gulf Coast Univeristy
10501 FGCU Blvd. South
Ft. Myers, FL 339665-6565

Please send citations for any addditonal appropriate papers.

To skip to a place the bibilography, click on a letter: - A - B - C - D
- E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z
Acatay, G., and I. Gülen. 1971. [Wind damage in Turkish forest].
Istanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Derfisi. 21(2): 1-20.*

Ackerman, J.D., L.R. Walker, F.N. Scatena, and J. Wunedurle.
1991. Ecological effects of hurricanes. Bulletin of the
Ecological Society of America. 72(3): 178-180.

Adams, W.R., R.I. Ashman, H.I. Baldwin, E.S. Bryant, G.W.I.
Creighton, H.J. Lutz, L.C. Swain, M. Westveld, and A.C.
Cline. 1941. Report of Committee on Silviculture, New
England Section, Society of American Foresters. A
silvicultural policy for the hurricane area. Journal of
Forestry. 39: 376-378.

Adjemovitch, M. 1958. A study of some alien species in the
William L. Hutcheson Memorial Forest. MS Thesis. Rutgers
The State University.*

Afolayan, T.A. 1977. Causes of damage to forest plantations in
Kilanjaro Forest Reserve in Tanzania. Obeche. 13: 24-31. *

Akachuku, A.E. 1993. Recovery and morphology of Pinus resinosa Ait. trees 50 years after they were displaced by a hurricane. Forest Ecology and Management. 56: 113-129. Alexander, R.R. 1967. Windfall after clearcutting on Fool Creek Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado. US Forest Service Research Note RM-92. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Alexander, R.R. 1964. Minimizing windfall around clear cuttings in spruce-fir forests. Forest Science. 10(2): 130-142. Alexander, R.R., and J.H. Buell. 1955. Determining the direction of destructive winds in a Rocky Mountain timber stand. Journal of Forestry. 53: 19-23. Alexander, T.R. 1967. Effects of Hurricane Betsy on the Southeastern Everglades. Quarterly Journal of Florida Academy of Science. 39: 10-24. * Allen, J.R.L. 1992. Trees and their response to wind: mid- Flandrian strong winds, Severn Estuary and inner Bristol Channel, southwest Britain. Philosophical Transactions. Royal Society of London. Series B. 338: 335-364. Andersen, K.F. 1954. Gales and gale damage to forests, with special reference to the effects of the storm of 31st January 1953, in the northeast of Scotland. Forestry. 27: 97-121. Andersen, L.M., A.L. Clarke, J.H. Cook. 1981. Lessons from hurricane David. Journal of Arboriculture. 7(8): 215-217. * Anderson, J.A.R. 1964. Observations on climatic damage in peat swamp forests in Sarawak. Commonwealth Forest Review. 43: 145-158. * Angel, H. 1988. Storm damage October 16, 1987. Arboricult. J. 12: 225-230. anon. 1971. [The Göttingen Conference on forest storm damage. February 1973]. Forstarchiv. 44(3): 41-75. * Applefield, M., D.J. Pool, and R.B. McDonald. 1979. An assessment of damage by hurricane David to the forests of Dominica. International Institute of Tropical Forestry. Rio Piedras. Puerto Rico. * Applegate, G.B., and A.L. Bragg. 1992. Recovery of coastal lowland rainforest damaged by cyclone 'Winifred' - a photographic record. Queensland Forest Service. Technical Paper No. 51. Armson, R.A., and R.J. Fessenden. 1973. Forest windthrows and their influence on soil morphology. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 37: 781-783. * Atterson, J. 1980. Gambling with gales. Paper for British Association for the Advancement of Science. Section K (Forestry). Salford. *
Return to the top of the list.
Baker, G.T. 1915. A windfall problem. Forest Quarterly. 13: 317- 324. Baldwin, H.I. 1940. Natural regeneration on white pine lands following the hurricane. Fox Forest Notes No. 21. Barker, D., and D. Miller. 1990. Hurricane Gilbert: anthropomorphizing a natural disaster. Area. 22: 107-116. Barry, P.J., R.L. Anderson, and K.M. Swain, Sr. 1982. How to evaluate and manage storm-damaged forest areas. USDA Forest Service. Southeast Area Forest Report SA-F220. Atlanta, Georgia. Forest Pest Management.* Basnet, K. 1990. Studies of ecological and geological factors controlling the pattern of tabonuco forests in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Phd. Dissertation. Rutgers University. Basnet, K., G.E. Likens, F.N. Scatena, and A.E. Lugo. 1992. Hurricane Hugo: damage to a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 8: 47-55. Bates, C.G. 1929. Efectos del huracan del 13 de septiembre 1928 en distintos arboles. Revista de Agricultura. Puerto Rico. 23(3): 113-117. * Bates, C.G. 1930. Hurricane damage to Porto Rican forests. Journal of Forestry. 28: 772-774. Baur, G.N. 1964. The ecological basis of rain forest management. Department of Conservation. New South Wales. * Beard, J.S. 1945. The progress of plant succession on Soufriere on St. Vincent. Journal of Ecology. 33: 1-9. Beard, J.S. 1948. The natural vegetation of the wind-ward and leeward islands. Oxford Forestry Memo No. 21. The Clarendon Press. Behre, C.E. 1921. A study of windfall in the Adirondacks. Journal of Forestry. 19: 632-637. Bellingham, P.J. 1991. Landforms influence patterns of hurricane damage: evidence from Jamaican montane forests. Biotropica. 23(4): 427-433. Bellingham, P.J. 1993. Resistance and resilience of a Jamaican montane forest to disturbance by a hurricane. PhD. University of Cambridge. * Bellingham, P.J., V. Kapos, N. Varity, J.R. Healey, E.V.J. Tanner, D.L. Kelly, J.W. Dalling, L.S. Burns, D. Lee, and G. Sidrak. 1992. Hurricanes need not cause high mortality: the effects of Hurricane Gilbert on forests in Jamaica. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 8: 217-223. Bellingham, P.J., E.V.J. Tanner, and J.R. Healey. 1994. Sprouting of trees in Jamaican montane forests, after a hurricane. Journal of Ecology. 82: 747-758. Bethge, K., and C. Mattheck. 1995. New methods for the assessment of wood quality in standing trees. Pg. 227-236 in M.P. Coutts and J. Grace (eds.) Wind and Trees. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. Blackburn, P., J.A. Petty, and K.F. Miller. 1988. An assessment of the static and dynamic factors involved in windthrow. Forestry. 61: 29-43. * Blackwell, P.G., K. Rennolls, and M.P. Coutts. 1990. A root anchorage model for shallowly rooted Sitka spruce. Forestry. 63(1): 73-91. Boe, K.N. 1965. Windfall after experimental cuttings in old- growth redwood. Proceedings. Society of American Foresters. 65: 59-63. Bohrmann, F.H., and G.E. Likens. 1979. Catastrophic disturbance and the steady state in northern hardwood forests. American Scientist. 67: 660-669. Boose, E.R., D.R. Foster, and M. Fluet. 1994. Hurricanes and landscape-level disturbance in tropical and temperate forests. Ecological Monographs. 64: 369-400. Booth, T.C. 1974. Topography and wind risk. Irish Forestry. 31(2): 130-134. * Booth, T.C. 1974. Silviculture and management of high-risk forests in Great Britain. Irish Forestry. 31(2): 145-153. * Booth, T.C. 1977. Windthrow hazard classification. Forestry Commission. Research Information Note. 22-77 SILN.* Booth, T.C. 1979. Windflow over topography. For. Comm. Repl. For Res. HMSO. London 9-20. * Bornebusch, C.H. 1937. [Report on the incidence of storm damage in the spruce thinning plots in Hastrup Plantation] Forstlige Forsogsvoesen i Danmark. 14(2): 161-172. * Boucher, D.H. (in press). Frecuencia de pertubaciòn de la selva de la costa Atlàntica nicaragüense por huracanes: una vez en
el siglo. Wani (Managua, Nicaraqua). *

Boucher, D.H. 1990. Growing back after hurricanes: catastrophes
may be critical to rain forest dynamics. BioScience. 40(3):

Boucher, D.H. 1989. When the hurricane destroyed the rain forest.
Biology Digest. 16(3): 11-18.

Boucher, D.H., J.H. Vandermeer, K. Yih, and N. Zamora. 1990.
Contrasting hurricane damage in tropical rain forest and
pine forest. Ecology 7(15): 2022-2024.

Bouchon, J. 1987. Etatde la recherche relative aux dejats
forestiers dus aux tempetes. Revue For. Fr. 39: 301-312. *

Boyd, D.M., and T.H. Webb. 1981. The influence of the soil factor
on tree stability in Balmoral Forest, Canterbury, during the
gale of August 1975. New Zealand Journal of Forestry. 26(1):
96-102. *

Braastad, H. 1978. [Thinning intensity and frequency of damage.
Report on snow and wind damage in research plot 918.] Norsk
Skogbruk. 24(5): 20. *

Brake, R.W., and H.A. Post. 1941. Natural restocking of hurricane
damaged (old-field white pine) areas in north central
Massachusetts. MS Thesis. Harvard University. Cambridge*

Bray, W.L. 1901. Destruction of timber by the Galveston storm.
Forester. 7: 53-56. *

Brennan, J.W. 1991. Meteorological summary of Hurricane Hugo.
Journal of Coastal Research. Special Issue 8: 1-12.

Brewer, C.W. and N.E. Linnartz. 1973. The recovery of hurricane-
bent loblolly pine. Louisiana State University Forestry Note
104. Baton Rouge, LA.

Brewer, R., and P.G. Merritt. 1978. Wind throw and tree
replacement in a climax beech-maple forest. Oikos. 30:

Brokaw, N.V.L. 1985. Treefalls, Regrowth, and community structure
in tropical forests. Pg. 53-69 in S.T.A. Pickett and P.S.
White (eds.) The ecology of natural disturbance and patch
dynamics. Academic Press, Orlando.

Brokaw, N.V.L., and J.S. Grear. 1991. Forest structure before and
after Hurricane Hugo at three elevations in the Luquillo
Mountains, Puerto Rico. Biotropica. 23(4): 386-392.

Brokaw, N.V.L., and L.R. Walker. 1991. Summary of the effects of
Caribbean hurricanes on vegetation. Biotropica. 23(4): 442-

Bromley, S.W. 1939. Factors influencing tree destruction during
the New England hurricane. Science. 90:15-16.

Brooks, C.F. 1938. West Indian hurricanes that blast New England.
Blue Hill Notes. No. 1. *

Brooks, C.F. 1939a. The hurricane -- meteorological postscript.
Harvard Alumni Bulletin. 41:1165-1168. *

Brooks, C.F. 1939b. The meteorology of the hurricane.
Proceedings. New Hampshire Academy of Science. 1: 17-19. *

Brooks, C.F. 1939c. Hurricanes into New England: meteorology of
the storm of September 21, 1938. Smithsonian Institution
Report 3563. 241-251. *

Brooks, C.F. 1945. The New England hurricane of September, 1944.
Geographical Review. 35: 132-136. *

Brouard, N.R. 1967. Damage by tropical cyclones to forest
plantations with particular reference to Mauritius.
Government Printer. Port Louis, Mauritius. *

Brown, J.W. 1958. Forest history of Mount Moosilauke. Part II.
Big logging days and their aftermath (1890-1940).
Appalachia. 24: 221-233. *

Browne, F.G. 1949. Storm forest in Kelantan. Malayan Forester.
12: 28-33.

Bull, G.A.D., and E.R.C. Reynolds. 1968. Wind turbulence
generated by vegetation and its implications. Forestry
(supplement): 28-37.

Brünig, E.F. 1973. [Storm damage as a risk factor in wood
production in the most important wood-producing regions of
the earth]. Forstarchiv. 44(7): 137-140. *

Burden, T.R.G. 1993. Dynamics of trees in strong winds.
Dissertation. University of Nottingham. *

Burdett, A.N. 1979. Juvenile instability in planted pines. Irish
Forestry. 36: 36-47. *

Burger, H. 1932. Sturmsschaden. Mitt. d. Schweiz. firstl.

Burt, S.D., and D.A. Mansfield. 1988. The great storm of 15-16
October 1987. Weather. 43: 90-114. *

Busby, J.A. 1965. Studies on the stability of conifer stands.
Scottish Forestry. 19: 86-102.

Bush, D.M. 1991. Impact of Hurricane Hugo on the rocky coast of
Puerto Rico. Journal of Coastal Research. Special Issue
8: 49-67.

Butler, O. 1938. New England's storm-struck trees. American
Forests. 44: 486-527.

Return to the top of the list.
Caborn, J.M. 1965. Shelterbelts and windbreaks. Faber and Faber. London. * Canham, C.D. 1978. Catastrophic windthrow in the hemlock- hardwood forest of Wisconsin. MS Thesis. University of Wisconsin. Madison. Canham, C.D. 1990. Suppression and release during canopy recruitment in Fagus grandifolia. Bulletin of the Torrey
Botanical Club. 117(1): 1-7.*

Canham, C.D., and O.L. Loucks. 1984. Catastrophic windthrow in
the presettlement forests of Wisconsin. Ecology. 65(3): 803-

Cannell, M, and M. Coutts. 1988. Growing in the wind. New
Scientist. 117: 42-46. *

Chabreck, R.H., and A.W. Palmisano. 1973. The effects of
Hurricane Camille on the marshes of the Mississippi River
delta. Ecology. 54(5): 1118-1123.

Chamberlain, J.L. 1959. Influence of hurricane Audrey on the
coastal marsh of southwestern Louisiana. Coastal Studies
Institute. Louisiana State University Technical Report. 10 B
ONR 35608.

Champs, J., J.L. de Ferron, D.M. Michaud, and N. Savatier. 1983.
[Lessons of the storm of November 6/8 1982.] Annales de
recherches sylvicoles. AFOCEL. 5-10. *

Chandler, K.C. 1968. Climatic damage to forests of the Tapanui
district. New Zealand Journal of Forestry. 13: 98-110. *

Channing, W. 1939. New England hurricanes, 1635, 1815, 1938.
Chandler Press. Boston. *

Chen, J.M., T.A. Black, M.D. Novak, and R.S. Adams. 1995. A wind
tunnel study of turbulent airflow in forest clearcuts. Pg.
71-87 in M.P. Coutts and J. Grace (eds.) Wind and Trees.
Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.

Cheston, C.E. 1940. Rehabilitation of the 1938 hurricane damaged
areas in New England. MS Thesis. Yale University. New Haven. *

Christensen, J.B. 1987. [Plans for specific aspects of forestry
and their integration with the general management plan for
the enterprise for the impact of catastrophic events such as
storm damage.] Nederlands Bosbouwtijdscrift. 59: 58-62. *

Clapp, R.T. 1938. The effects of the hurricane upon New England
forests. Journal of Forestry. 36: 1177-1181.

Clark, D. B. 1990. The role of disturbance in the regeneration of
neotropical moist forests. Pages 291-315 in K. S. Bawa & M.
Hadley (eds.), Reproductive ecology of tropical forest
plants. Man and the Biosphere Series, Vol. 7, UNESCO and
Parthenon Publishing Group, Paris.

Cline, A.C. 1939. The restoration of watershed forests in the
hurricane area. Journal of New England Water Works
Association. 53: 223-237.

Conrad, V. 1945. Some remarks on the destructive effects of the
hurricane, September 14-15, 1944 observed at Hyannis, Cape
Cod, Massachusetts. Transactions. American Geophysical
Union. 26: 217-219.

Conner, W.H., J.W. Day, Jr., R.H. Baumann, and J.M. Randall.
1989. Influence of hurricanes on coastal ecosystems along
the northern Gulf of Mexico. Wetland Ecol.Manag. 1: 45-56.

Conway, M.F. 1959. Hurricane damage in Northland. New Zealand
Journal of Forestry. 8(1): 151-152.

Coutts, M.P. 1983. Root architecture and tree stability. Plant
and Soil. 71: 171-188.

Craighead, F.C., and V.C. Gilbert. 1962. The effects of hurricane
Donna on the vegetation of southern Florida. The Quarterly
Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences. 25(1): 1-28.

Crampton, P. 1988. Before and after the hurricane in and around
Canterbury. Meresborough Books. Rainham. *

Crawford, D.B. 1968. Wind damage in private woodlands. Forestry
(supplement): 84-93.

Cremer, K.W., C.J. Borough, F.H. McKinnell, and P.R. Carter.
1982. Effects of stocking and thinning on wind damage in
plantations. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science.
12: 244-268.

Cremer, K.W., B.J. Myers, F. Van der Duys, and I.E. Craig. 1977.
Silvicultural lessons from the 1974 windthrow in radiata
pine plantations near Canberra. Australian Forestry. 40(4):

Cruickshank, J.G., N. Stephens, and L.J. Symons. 1962. Report of
the hurricane in Ireland on Saturday 16th September, 1961.
Irish Naturalist Journal. 14: 4-12.

Cunningham, A.P. 1975. Storm damage north-east Ruahine Range. New
Zealand Forest Service Napier Office. (unpublished report) *

Curtis, J.D. 1943. Some observations on wind damage. Journal of
Forestry. 41: 877-882.

Cutler, D.F. 1988. Kew after the storm: new research. Biologist.
35: 239-243. *

Cutler, D.F., and P.E. Gasson. 1988. Wind blown trees: research
at the Jodrell Laboratory Kew. Arboricultural Journal. 12:

Cutler, D.F., P.E. Gasson, M.C. Farmer. 1989. The windblown tree
root survey: preliminary results. Arboricultural Journal.
13: 219-242.

Cutler, D.F., P.E. Gasson, M.C. Farmer. 1990. The windblown tree
root survey: analysis of results. Arboricultural Journal.
14: 265-286.

Return to the top of the list.
Dale, V.H., M. Hemstrom, and J.F. Franklin. 1983. The effect of disturbance frequency on forest succession in the Pacific Northwest. Portland, Oregon: Society of American Foresters. 300-304.* Dale, V.H., M. Hemstrom, and J.F. Franklin. 1986. Modeling the long-term effects of disturbances on forest succession, Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 16: 56-67. Dallmeier, F., C.M. Taylor, J.C. Mayne, M. Kabel, and R. Rice. 1991. Effects of the Hurricane Hugo on the Bisley Biodiversity Plot, Luquillo Biosphere Reserve, Puerto Rico. UNESCO-MAB Digest II. Dalrymple, N.K., and J.B. Fisher. 1994. The relationship between the number of expanded and developing leaves in shoot apices of palms. American Journal of Botany. 81(12): 1576-1581 Danguy des Deserts, D., P. de la Broise, G. Soulieres. 1988. Les dejats de l'Ouragan des 15-16 Octobre 1987 en Bretagne. Revue Forestiere Francaise. 40: 89-98. * Darling, N. 1842. Hurricane in New England, September, 1815. American Journal of Science and Arts. 42: 243-252. Davis, G.E., L.L. Loope, C.T. Roamn, T.J. Smith III, T.J. Tilmant, And M. Soukup. 1994. Assessment of the impacts of Hurricane Andrew on the natural and archaeological resources. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Denver.* Dawson, K.B. 1970. Storm damage to the vegetation of Kapiti Island, Easter 1968. Bulletin of Natural Science (Wellington). 1: 35-44. * Day, W.R. 1934. Wind damage on Scots and Corsican pine. Quarterly Journal of Forestry. 28: 226-229. * Day, W.R. 1950. The soil conditions which determine windthrow in forests. Forestry. 23: 90-95. Deans, J.D., and E.D. Ford. 1983. Modeling root structure and stability. Plant and Soil. 71: 189-195. Decei, I. et al. 1975. [Determining the volume losses of coniferous trees by windthrow or wind breakage.] Studii si Cercetari Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice. I (Silvicultura). 33: 91-98. * De Champs, J., J.L. Ferron, D. Michaud, and N. Savatier. 1983. Lecons a tirer de la tempete des 6-8 Novembre 1982. Ann. Recherches Syviculture. 1982: 5-101. * Decker, F.W., O.P. Cramer, and B.P. Harper. 1962. The Columbus Day "Big Blow" in Oregon. Weatherwise. 15: 238-245. Dengler, A. 1953. Waldbau. * De Reure, G. 1987. La foret a nouveau gravement sinistree. Forets France. 307: 2. * Despres, F. 1987. Les chablis des 6 et 7 Novembre 1982 en Auvergne. Revune Forestiere Francaise. 39: 281-287. * DeWalle, D.R. 1983. Wind damage around clear cuts in the Ridge and Valley Province of Pennsylvania. Journal of Forestry. 81: 158-159, 172. Dewar, J. 1988. Clearance of windblown timber: progress to end September 1988. Forest Windblown Action Committee Paper 8/2. * Dittus, W.P.J. 1985. The influence of cyclones on the dry evergreen forest of Sri Lanka. Biotropica. 17(1): 1-14. Dobson, J.E., R.M. Rush, and R.W. Peplies. 1990. Forest blowdown and lake acidification. Annls. Assoc. Am. Geogr. 80: 343- 361.* Douglas, M.S. 1958. Hurricane. Rinehart & Co., Inc. New York. * Duever, M., and McCollum. 1992. Major structural damage present prior to Hurricane Hugo in old-growth forest trees at Four Holes Swamp, South Carolina. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 73: 161. Dunn, C.P., G.R. Guntenspergen, and J.R. Dorney. 1983. Catastrophic wind disturbance in an old-growth hemlock- hardwood forest, Wisconsin. Canadian Journal of Botany. 61: 211-217. Dunn, G.E., and B.I. Miller. 1960. Atlantic Hurricanes. Louisiana State University Press. New Orleans. Dyer, R.C. 1988. Remote sensing identification of tornado tracks in Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 54(10): 1429-1435. Return to the top of the list.
Eager, G.D. 1976. Windthrow logging in Canterbury. Forest Industries Review. 7(9): 36,40. * Elling, A.E., and E.S. Verry. 1978. Predicting wind-caused mortality in strip-cut stands of peatland black spruce. Forestry Chronicle. 54: 249-252. * Elmqvist, T., W.E. Rainey, E.D.Pierson, and P.A. Cox. 1994. Effects of tropical cyclones Of a and Val on the structure of a Samoan lowland rain forest. Biotropica. 26(4): 384-391. Emmel, T.C. 1992. A field survey of endangered species habitats and tropical hardwood hummocks in South Florida following Hurricane Andrew - August 28-30, 1992. Florida Naturalist. Fall: 12-22. * Engstrom, R.T., and G.W. Evans. 1990. Hurricane damage to Red- cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) cavity trees. Auk.
107: 608-610.

Ennos, A.R. 1995. Development of buttresses in rainforest trees:
the influence of mechanical stress. Pg. 293-304 in M.P.
Coutts and J. Grace (eds.) Wind and Trees. Cambridge
University Press. Cambridge.

Eschner, A.R., and D.R. Satterlund. 1966. Forest protection and
streamflow from an Adirondack watershed. Water Resources
Research. 2(4): 765-783.*

Etverk, I. 1972. [Factors affecting the resistance of stands to
storms.] Metsanduslikud Uurimused, Estonian SSR9: 222-236. *

Everglades National Park. 1992. Hurricane Andrew fuels and fire
behavior assessment. Fire Management Program. Homestead,

Everham, E.M., III. 1995. A comparison of methods for quantifying
catastrophic wind damage to forests. Pg. 340-357 in M.P.
Coutts and J. Grace (eds.) Wind and Trees. Cambridge
University Press. Cambridge.

Everham, E.M., III. 1996. Hurricane disturbance and recovery: an
empirical and simulation study of vegetation dynamics in the
luquillo experimental forest, Puerto Rico. Ph.D. Thesis.
State University of New York College of Environmental
Science and Forestry. Syracuse.

Everham, E.M., III, and N.V.L. Brokaw. In press. Forest damage
and recovery from catastrophic wind. The Botanical Review.

Eyron, A.E. 1951 Gale-damaged oak forest on Trap Rock Ridge.
Audubon Field Notes. 5: 322-323.

Eyron, A.E. 1954. Gale-damaged oak forest. Audubon Field Notes.
8: 365-366.

Return to the top of the list.
Faber, P.J., and G. Sissingh. 1975. Stability of stands to wind. I. A theoretical approach. II. The practical viewpoint. Nederlands Bosbouw Tijdschrift. 47(7/8): 179-193. * Fahey, D.J., and J.M. Cahill. 1983. Evaluation of blown down Alaska spruce and hemlock trees for pulp. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. Research Note PNW-407. Portland. * Fakirov, V. 1975. [The unfavourable effect of wind on popular plantations along the Danube]. Gorsko Stopanstro. 31(5): 28-32. * Falinski, J.B. 1978. Uprooted trees, their distribution and influence in the primeval forest biotope. Vegetatio. 38(3): 175-183. Farrar, J. 1818. An account of the violent and destructive storm of 23rd September 1815. Memoirs American Academy of Arts and Science. 4: 92-97. * Fathauer, T. 1977. Alaska tornadoes. Weatherwise. 30(3): 106-110. * Faust, H. 1948.Investigation into forestry damage with regard to the nature of wind in a gust. 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