Third Face-to-Face Class Agenda
EEC4300: Cognitive Experiences for Young Children, Dr. E. Hyun
March 25, 1999
1. Housekeeping 12:30 - 12:45 p.m.
* Attendance & Announcement
* Agenda overview
2. Question and answer session 12:45 - 1:15 p.m.
Let's share your internship/filed base insights that relate to young children's cognitive growth and change (development).
3. Let's share your lesson plans and instructional material development (Under-construction] --- small group activity. A format will be introduced. 1:15 - 1:45 p.m.
4. Examples for Developmentally Appropriate Leading Activities (1:45 - 2:15 p.m.)-outdoor activities
The following activities will help you to experience private speech, inner speech, verbal thinking, whole language experience, written speech, and public speech, which are important cognitive mental tools in learning. Use your academic journal note and Chapter 8 info. for the activity.
Nature walk: Explore outside for at least 30 minutes with the children, and find several interesting things and pick one as topic of focus (e.g., working bees)
Create divergent leading questions that will lead young children's self-discovery of the nature.
The questions should also lead the children to use all integrated subject areas, for example
* What do you see? How do they look like? (Science)
* How do we call them? (Language arts)
* How many/large are they? (Math)
* Where/how do they live? (Language & Social studies)
* What/how do they eat? (Language & Science)
* How do they move? (Science & Movement)
* How can we create the sound we hear from the nature? (Science & Music)
* If you were a bee how would you feel when you find a beautiful flowers? Why would you feel that way? (Emotions)
Find ways that would unfold their thinking (private speech, inner speech). (ex. Write or draw their understanding)
Nature play: List names of play which children can do with the nature ( or/and in the nature).
Primary Grade
Nature Discovery: "Guess What"
Group 1 & 2:
Collect something that has a smell (scent, odor, and aroma) put it in the container and cover
it until the sharing time. As a cooperative group:
* Describe: How it smells (either write or draw) ?
* Discuss: What makes it smell like that ?
Why it smells?
What else do you know about the object?What else do you want to know more about this object?
* Prepare: "Guess What" presentation (public speech) and create a mental tool (graph or chart, or a concept map) that will
show your findings
Group 3 & 4:
Collect something that moves by itself, put it in a container and cover it until the sharing time. As a cooperative group:
* Describe : How it moves (either write or draw)?
* Discuss : What makes it move like that?
Why it moves?What else do you know about the object?
What else do you want to know more about this object?
* Prepare: "Guess What" presentation (public speech) and create a mental tool ( graph or chart, or concept map) that will
show your findings
5. Brief overview on Chapter 9 (2:15 - 2:35 p.m.)
Use p.112-p.113 strategies for "using other-regulation to encourage the development of self-regulation" as part of your classroom management.
Use p.116-117 examples of "education dialogue" for your lesson procedure, which you are developing for your intern lesson planning and teaching.
On p.118-119, examples of "peer interaction" show different types of lesson plan ideas. Use these for strategies in your lesson plan.
6. Activity: (2:35 - 2:55 p.m.)
Pick one children's book and create divergent-question-oriented Educational Dialogue (= Socratic Dialogue) which will lead the young children's DAP leading activity/learning experiences. Use p.115 1st paragraph as example, use p.116-117 for examples of educational dialogue.
Educational Dialogue (= Socratic Dialogue): In an educational dialogue the children express their own understandings of what the teacher says and of the concept presented. An educational dialogue is similar to a Socratic dialogue, in which the teacher has a goal in mind and uses questions to guide the students toward that goal. It is a teacher-guided journey of discovery.
Teacher' basic DAP mental tool for leading activities.
Infant - Emotional communication based activitiesToddler - Manipulation of objects based activities
PreK/K - Play based leading activities
Primary grades - Guided activities with specific content, Socratic dialogue based.
7 . Discussion (2:55 - 3:05 p.m.)
8. Closure: Question, Comments, and Suggestions. Planning for next class. (3:05 - 3:15 p.m.)