A website created for families who want to know more about the assessment process!


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One type of curriculum-based measurement is Criterion-Referenced Tests

The purpose of these tests is to evaluate student performance in relation to specific instructional objectives. The information provided is helpful for instructional decisions, but not for eligibility decisions. These tests are usually used in later stages of assessment to pinpoint specific skills for instruction. One basic type of criterion referenced test are regular tests and quizzes that a teacher administers in the classroom. In addition to these, three common examples of criterion-referenced tests include:

    Brigance Diagnostic Inventories:  This test consists of three forms. One form is the Inventory of Basic Skills (grade k-6). This measures readiness, reading, spelling, writing, and mathematics. 
    A second form is the Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills (grade k-9). This measures readiness, spoken language, reading, spelling, writing, and mathematics. 
    A third is the Inventory or Essential Skills (grades 4-12). This measures reading, spelling, writing, and mathematics.
    Hudson Education Skills Inventory (grades K-12). This test is used to measure readiness, reading, spelling, writing, and mathematics.
    Multilevel Academic Skills Inventory (grades 1-8). This test is used to measure reading, spelling writing, and mathematics.




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This website was developed collaboratively during the summer session of  June/July 2000, as a technology project by graduate students in EEX 6222: Assessment and Dr. Marcia Greene, Associate Professor and Bill Halverson, Technology Instructor/Webmaster, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Education.   Comments/Feedback??? Email us directly or use the Feedback option at the top of the page.  We hope you have enjoyed this website! 

Last modified: July 03, 2000

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