A website created for families who want to know more about the assessment process!


Click on the category below for specific information.








        As you begin to explore the world of special education, you will immediately become aware and maybe even a bit overwhelmed by the numerous abbreviations, acronyms and terms that are referenced regularly in the field. The following resources are provided to assist you as a parent in becoming more comfortable and familiar with common terminology, labels and categories that may be encountered throughout the process.


Special Education Web Sites and Resources for Teacher’s, Parent’s and Students-


-This site provides valuable and comprehensive links to resources on learning disabilities, mental retardation, behavioral disorders and relevant organizations. Parents are able to focus on their particular area of interest and learn about research findings, journal articles, legislation, support and categorical labels.

Further sites that give additional insight into various labels and categories of special education include:

1.The Arc of the United States- http://www.thearc.org/

-An organization that provides resources and information for families and individuals with mental handicaps. This site features general facts about the organization as well as publications, governmental issues and state and local chapter membership opportunities.

2. Developmental Delay Resources- http://www.devdelay.org/

-A site that allows individuals to learn about developmental delays and provides sources for support.

3.The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities- http://www.nichcy.org

-A national information center that provides information in areas related to specific disabilities, special education and early interventions. The FAQ’s section provides parents and educators the opportunity to share concerns or questions they may have regarding specific disabilities.

4. Learning Disabilities Association- http://www.ldanatl.org

-This site provides in-depth information to parents on issues related to and concerning learning disabilities. A glossary of terms and common terminology is available to help parents better understand unfamiliar words and concepts related to this particular disability.

5. A Web Resource for Special Education- http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/cise/ose/categories

-An excellent site that includes information and internet resources about special education and disabilities, categorical explanations, professionals in the field and general knowledge for parents.

6. Autism Resources- http://www.autism-resources.com

  -Contains links to related sites, frequently asked questions and advice to parents. 



        Now that you have visited some sites containing information on various labels and categories in special education, it’s time to explore and learn more about some of the team members that may be working with your child. The field of special education incorporates a large number of professionals that all play important roles in meeting the needs of students. The following is a site that lists the names of those professionals and provides information as to their responsibilities and job descriptions.


 In addition, click here to access a site that provides a comprehensive list of questions to ask various professionals associated with special education. A great resource for parents to use before they come in contact with these individuals at meetings.


        As you continue to research the area of special education, you may notice that the literature and content material provided often contain a great amount of acronyms throughout. As a parent, it is to your benefit to become familiar with as many of these acronyms as you possibly can. By doing so, you will enable yourself to become more aware and knowledgeable of the information given to you by professionals in the field of exceptional student education.


Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education provides a quick and easy-to-follow reference guide that contains an alphabetical listing of acronyms frequently used in special education.

        Finally, to help prepare yourself for your child’s staffing or meeting, here are some sites with ideas and lists of terminology that can be helpful.

LDOnline- http://www.ldoline.org/ld_indepth/glossaries/glossary_of_terms.html or


Both of these sites contain a glossary of important terms and definitions that  are wonderful educational resources for you as a parent to keep handy.






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This website was developed collaboratively during the summer session of  June/July 2000, as a technology project by graduate students in EEX 6222: Assessment and Dr. Marcia Greene, Associate Professor and Bill Halverson, Technology Instructor/Webmaster, Florida Gulf Coast University, College of Education.   Comments/Feedback??? Email us directly or use the Feedback option at the top of the page.  We hope you have enjoyed this website! 

Last modified: July 03, 2000

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