



Coverage of Assigned Topic

Clearly explained changes in ecosystems, human contributions, and effects on endangered species. Includes several supporting details and/ or examples.

Explained changes in ecosystems, human contributions, and effects on endangered species. Includes 2 supporting details and/ or examples.

Explained changes in ecosystems, human contributions, and effects on endangered species. No supporting details and/ or examples.

Article did not explain changes in the ecosystem, human contributions, and effects on endangered species.

Flow of Article


The article is well organized, logical, informative, and persuasive. Easy to read and follow.

The article is organized, logical, and informative. Easy to read.

The article is informative. Information is organized but paragraphs are not well constructed. Difficult to read.

Information is disorganized. Difficult to read.

Completeness of article


Provided list of endangered animals in U.S.A., in-depth coverage of one species, included chart or graph, and photograph. Accurately answered guiding questions

Incomplete list of endangered animals in U.S.A., Covered one species, included chart or graph, and photograph. Answered guiding questions

Incomplete list of endangered animals in U.S.A., discussed one species, included chart or graph, and photograph. Answered guiding questions

Did not include list of endangered animals, discuss one species, and did not answer guiding questions



Correct spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The final draft was word-processed.

1-3 errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The final draft was word-processed.

3-5 errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The final draft was word-processed.

More than 5 errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. The final draft was word-processed.

Graphs, Illustrations, and Photographs

Chart or graph accurately illustrated the changes in the animal’s population. Photograph of the correct animal.

Chart or graph illustrated changes in the animal’s population. Photograph of the correct animal.

Chart or graph inaccurately illustrated the changes in the animal’s population. Photograph of the correct animal.

Did not include chart or graph that illustrated changes in the animal’s population. Did not include photograph of the correct animal.


