
Rachel Carson
Lecture Series

Directors & Board

Peter Blaze Corcoran
Professor, Environmental Studies & Environmental Education
Florida Gulf Coast University

A. James Wohlpart
Assistant Director
Chair, Division of Humanities
and Arts
Florida Gulf Coast University


Donna Roberts

Brandon Hollingshead

Graham Bearden

Office Phone: 239.590.7166

Board of Advisors

Mary Evelyn Tucker
Chair, Forum on Religion
and Ecology

David Orr
Chair, Environmental Studies,
Oberlin College

Lawrence Jay Amon
Executive Vice President
National Wildlife Federation

Armand Ball
Former President, Sanibel-Captiva
Conservation Foundation

Larry Byrnes
Dean, College of Education,
Florida Gulf Coast University

Richard M. Clugston
Executive Director, University
Leaders for a Sustainable Future

Jack Crocker
Dean, Graduate Studies,
Florida Gulf Coast University

Alison Hawthorne Deming
Poet, Professor, Creative Writing, Arizona State University

Carolyn Gray
Former Dean, College of
Arts and Sciences,
Florida Gulf Coast University

Maxine Greene
Professor Emeritus, Teachers College, Columbia University

Paul G. Irwin
President Emeritus, The Humane
Society of the United States

Loiuse M. Johnson
Former Mayor, City of Sanibel

Oannes Arthur Pritzker
Director, Yat Kitischee Native
American Center

Jacob Scott
Florida Gulf Coast University

Joe Shepard
Vice President, Florida Gulf
Coast University

Terry Tempest Williams
Environmental Writer, Activist





"Working toward realizing a sustainable & peaceful future through scholarship, education, and action"

Ours is an historical moment. The scope and range of human impacts on Earth are unprecedented. Yet, so too are the possibilities to build a secure foundation for a sustainable and sustaining future. Never has so much depended on our wisdom, foresight, and the quality of our thinking. Higher education must make a strategic contribution to rediscover ancient truths, to create new ideas, and to empower and inspire the rising generations. These require mobilizing the research, educational, and organizational resources of the university community. The Center at Florida Gulf Coast University is designed to meet these challenges and opportunities boldly and creatively.

Mission Statement

The Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education will work toward realizing the dream of a sustainable and peaceful future for Earth through scholarship, education, and action. The Center will advance understanding and achievement of the goals of environmental and sustainability education through innovative educational research methods, emergent eco-pedagogies, and educational philosophy and practice based on ethics of care and sustainability. The Center will elevate the environmental mission of Florida Gulf Coast University and serve the university community, the local community of the Western Everglades and Barrier Islands, and the wider community of scholars.



Rachel Carson's work is the inspiration for the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education. Her contribution to human understanding of our environment is unparalleled.

Silent Spring has been called the most important book of the twentieth century --- it launched the environmental movement. Rachel Carson's contributions, most relevant to the mission of the Center, are public policy based on sound science and ethics, active participation of an ecologically literate citizenry, and appreciation of the natural world through the literary arts and environmental education.


"Future generations are unlikely to condone our lack of prudent concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life."

Rachel Carson, Silent Spring



© FGCU 2005. This is an official FGCU web page.
Florida Gulf Coast University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097;
Telephone number 404-679-4501) to award associate, baccalaureate, and master's degrees.
Florida Gulf Coast University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
Florida Gulf Coast University, 10501 FGCU Blvd N., Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565

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