Module Four, Part II -- Performance Assessments
Learning Objectives 
      Given a list of features, identify the positive feature of performance assessments (includes essay, product, and active).  

      Given a list of features, identify the negative feature of performance assessments (includes essay, product, and active).  

      Given a list of guidelines, identify the guidelines for creating performance assessments (essay questions, instructions for product and active).  

      Given a list of guidelines, identify the guidelines for administering performance assessments (essay questions, instructions for product and active).  

      Given a list of guidelines, identify the guidelines for scoring performance assessments (essay questions, instructions for product and active).  

      Given a list of characteristics, identify the characteristics of global scoring.  

      Given a list of characteristics, identify the characteristics of analytical scoring.  

      Given a list of guidelines, identify the guidelines for creating checklists.   

Overview of Module 4B Notes 
    Types of Performance-Based Assessments 
    Other Types of Performance-Based Assessments 
    Advantages of Performance-Based Assessments 
    Limitations of Performance-Based Assessments 
    Suggestions for Constructing Performance-Based Assessments 
    Types of Scoring Devices 
    Tips on Creating An Effective Scoring Device 
    The Essay Question 
     Assessing Student Conduct 
    Steps in Constructing an Observation Chart 
      The "Unusual" 
      Click here to access Module 4B Notes. 
On-line Activities 
      How Much Guidance Is Needed? 
    With your group, evaluate the following essay questions -- (1) decide which one is better written in each pair and (2) justify your choice. You may want to imagine how students may interpret and respond to these. Compare their response with what you believe the teacher's expectations to be. 

    First Pair 

      1. Compare the Democratic and Republican parties 

      2. Compare the Democratic and Republican parties. Restrict your comparison to the areas of civil rights legislation, labor legislation, and fiscal policy. 


    Second Pair 

      1. A customer telephones your electrical shop concerning his doorbell, which will not ring when the door button is depressed. He wants to know what the trouble might be. Assuming that the electrical current has not failed, describe to him two possible causes of this difficulty and how they could be corrected. 

      2. A customer telephones your electrical shop concerning his doorbell, which will not ring when the door button is depressed. He wants to know what the trouble might be. Assuming that the electrical current has not failed, describe to him two possible causes of this difficulty and how they could be corrected. Assume that the customer is familiar with the basic principles of electricity and magnetism as well as the names and functions of all parts of the common doorbell. 

      What is wrong with the following directions?  

        Post your responses to the  on or before March 1 at 5:00 p.m.


      The Issue of Validity Again 

    Directions: For the following set of questions, answer two of the following five essay questions. Use the five paragraph essay format. Use examples from the story to support your points. 

    As a group, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of students answering different questions. 

        Post your responses to the   on or before March 1 at 5:00 p.m. 

      Matchmaker, Matchmaker,  Make me a Match . . . .
    As a group, work on your table of specifications and creating two columns. First column: Label this column "Form". Next to each behavioral objective, identify whether the most direct measure would be Performance or Objective. You can use "P" for Performance and "O" for Objective. 

    Second Column: Label this column "Type". Next to the behavioral objectives you have identified as being measured best by an objective test and under the column "Type", indicate what type of objective test item your group will use to assess mastery of that behavioral objective. You may use the following codes: MA = matching, SA = short answer, MC = multiple choice, IE = interpretive exercise, AC = alternate choice.  

    Next to the behavioral objectives you have identified as being measured best by a performance assessment and under the column, "Type", indicate the type of performance assessment your group will use to assess mastery of that behavioral objective. You may use the following codes: A = active, P = product, E = essay question. 

        Fax (941-590-7770) your group response to the instructor on or before March 1 at 5:00 p.m.
    Chapter 9, Measuring Complex Achievement: Essay Questions 
    Chapter 10,  Measuring Complex Achievement: Performance Assessments 
    Chapter 11, Assessment Procedures: Observation Techniques, Peer Appraisal, and Self-Report 
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Module 4B Notes
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Florida Gulf Coast University  
College of Professional Studies  
School of Education