Module Four -- Assessments
Learning Objectives 
      Given the specific purpose for the assessment, determine the time (e.g., during, before, or after instruction) when the assessment should be administered.
Outline and Notes 
    Planning Classroom Test and Assessments  
    Basic Steps in Classroom Assessment 
      1. Determining the purpose of the assessment 
      2. Developing the specifications for tests and assessments  

      3. Selecting the appropriate assessment tasks  

      4. Preparing the relevant assessment tasks; the limited number of items should be representative of the domain  
        To access Module 4 Notes, click here. 

        To access study guide for the mid-term exam, click here.
On-line Activities  
      "Which is Which?" 

    As a group, identify the following as being measured best by performance assessments or objective tests. 

      1. Playing Brahm’s Lullaby on the violin. 

      2. Defining the word "reliable" 

      3. Taking shorthand 

      4. Solving a quadratic equation 

      5. Determining the best route from one city to another city 

      6. Building a birdhouse 

        Please e-mail your answers to the instructor on or before February 8 at 5:00 p.m. 

      "Take Two!" 

    As a group, work on your table of specifications, to include the following in your columns: 

      1. Behavioral objectives 

      2. Level of Bloom’s taxonomy 

      3. Form of assessment -- decide for each behavioral objective whether you will use a performance assessment or an objective test. Remember to select the one that is the most direct measure of the behavioral objective. 

      4. Evaluate your objectives. At this point, I want you to make sure you have covered the full range of Bloom’s taxonomy. If you do not get into the habit of writing objectives at all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, you will not test at all levels and you will not teach at all levels. This is very important. You can adequately prepare your students for the FCAT and other similar tests ONLY if you are teaching and assessing at all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. 

        Please fax (941-590-7770) your answers to the Dr. Hewitt-Gervais on or before February 8 at 5:00 p.m. 

    Chapter 5  Planning Classroom Tests and Assessments  -- Linn R.L. & Gronlund, N.E. (1995). Measurement and assessment in teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill. 

    Study Guide for Mid-Term Exam -- NOTE: Mid-term exam will cover modules 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4a. You will take the mid-term exam on February 20, Saturday. This is mandatory.

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Module 4 Notes
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Florida Gulf Coast University  
College of Professional Studies  
School of Education