Three Key Rules

Rule 1    Rule 2     Rule 3

The following information are guidelines based upon experts' user interface design principles.  The purpose of these principles is to create a more positive experience for the user.

Rule 1:  Place the User in Control
This rule can be accomplished by following a few principles:

  1. Allow users to use either the keyboard or mouse.
  2. Allow users to change the focus.
  3. Display descriptive messages and text.
  4. Provide immediate and reversible actions, and feedback.
  5. Provide meaningful paths and exits.
  6. Accommodate users with different skill levels.
  7. Allow the user to customize the interface.

Rule 2: Reduce the User's Memory load
This rule can be accomplished by following a few principles:

  1. Relieve short-term memory.
  2. Rely on recognition, not recall.
  3. Provide visual clues.
  4. Provide defaults, undo, and redo.
  5. Use real-world metaphors.
  6. Promote visual clarity.

Rule 3:  Make the interface consistent
This rule can be accomplished by following a few principles:

  1. Maintain consistency within and across products.
  2. Keep interaction results the same.
  3. Provide aesthetic appeal and integrity.
  4. Encourage exploration.
