Text Boxes

  Description    Purpose    Advantages     Disadvantages    Proper Usage    Captions

Text Box.tif (18480 bytes)

  1. Description
    1. A control, usually rectangular in shape, in which text may be entered or edited or may be displayed for read-only purposes.
    2. Usually possesses a caption describing the kind of information contained within it.
    3. An outline field border is included for enterable/editable text boxes, but should not be included for a read-only text box.
    4. There are two types of text boxes: single line, and multiple line.
    5. When first displayed, the box may be blank or contain an initial value.
  2. Purpose
    1. To permit the display, entering, editing of textual information.
    2. To display read-only information.
  3. Advantages
    1. Very flexible
    2. Familiar
    3. Consumes very little screen space
  4. Disadvantages
    1. Requires use of typewriter keyboard
    2. Requires user to remember what must be keyed.
  5. Proper Usage
    1. Most useful for data that is unlimited in scope, difficult to categorize, and of a variety of different lengths.
    2. When using a selection list is not possible.
  6. Captions
    1. There are two different styles to consider for the caption of a text box.  Be sure to include a semicolon (:) after the label.
      Option 1--Caption to the Left

                     Option 1 Text.tif (21330 bytes)

                     Option 2--Caption Left Justified on Top.

                        Option 2 Text.tif (20736 bytes)

   These rules apply to the multiline text box as well.

