Web Sites - Tutorials - Downloads

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This page contains links to resources on the web you may find useful.

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Web sites
The companion website of the Java Java Java textbook. This site includes the complete source code for all the example programs in the book. You can also download the powerpoint slides, and take online practice quizes.
If you are new to programming in the JavaTM language, have some experience with other languages, and are familiar with things like displaying text or graphics or performing simple calculations, this tutorial could be for you.
The complete reference to the Java 2 runtime environment.
Forte[tm] for Java[tm], release 2.0 is available for immediate download so you can quickly begin taking advantage of this robust integrated development environment to boost your productivity. Choose from versions for Solaris[tm], Linux, or Windows platforms, or select "All Platforms" for a Java .class file. If you are installing on a Unix platform other than Solaris,
The student chapter of CIS students. Meet prospective employers, learn more about the IT industry, and find resources to many programming tools and sites.
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Java Tutorials
This tutorial demonstrates how to install the Java Software Developer's Kit (JDK) and the Textpad editor
Shows the basics of creating an application (runs on your operating system)
Shows the basics of creating an applet (runs in a browser)
Demonstrates how to build a program in small increments. (Stepwise Refinement)
Sun Java Tutorial
Sun's beginner's guide
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Textpad Editor TextPad ® is a powerful, general purpose editor for plain text files. Easy to use, with all the features a power user requires.
JDK 1.3 As part of Sun Microsystems' commitment to continued support for JavaTM technology, the JavaTM 2 Platform, Standard Edition version 1.3.1 for SolarisTM, Windows and Linux operating environments is now available to the Java community. The J2SETM 1.3.1 update has been developed by addressing key customer issues and feedback on the 1.3 release.
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