EDF 6215: Homework 1

Question, Answer & Tips Page

Question:  Are we supposed to categorize our objectives based on conceptual knowledge and metacognitive knowledge or the actual sub-categories?

Answer: I think the more detailed you can be in classifying objectives, the better. By forcing yourself to a lower level of classification, you will need to struggle to discriminate between categories, and this will push you to construct your own meaning and process the material on a deeper level. However, I will admit that at times I have some problem seeing exactly where certain objectives fit- perhaps because they are poorly written or encompass more that one category, and in these cases may not be able to go to a fine level and must stop at a grosser distinction.

 TIP: Make sure that your answers are somehow connected. This assignment is designed to create a whole (which is more than the sum of its parts. This statement is a preview for Module 2) and I will look at answers as conencted, not as independent.

TIP: Answer all of the questions completely. There is a tendency on this assignment to skip over some questions (#3 for example), and focus on other things

TIP: Always wear clean underwear in case of an acident (this is from my mother.) Corrollary: Don't worry so much about your underwear, but keep your feet and toenails clean. (This latter is from my grandmother, a small town nurse. She was amazed at how dirty peoples feet were when they were brought through the hospital.)

TIP: The questions are designed to probe your thinking about the reading. While it is likely beneficial to your development to bring in material from other sources, please do not ignore the reading. Specific efforts to connect the reading to your answers, using the language and concepts of the authors helps me understand that you understand the work. (This has been a major weakness in the past).