Brief Neurological Assessment
Dr. Peg Gray-Vickrey, RN
Department of Nursing
- Assess Level of Consciousness
- Arousal (Wakefulness)
- Voice Stimulation
- Shouting
- Shaking
- Painful Stimuli (Central/Peripheral)
- Awareness
- Orientation
- Language
- Memory
- Assess Cranial Nerve Function
- Olfactory (I)
- smell
- Optic (II)
- Visual acuity (Snellen Chart)
- Visual Fields by Confrontation (Peripheral Vision)
- Ophthalmoscope exam (Optic disk)
- Oculomotor (III), Trochlear (IV), Abducens (VI)
- Pupil Size, Shape and Equality
- Pupil Reaction to Light (Direct and Consensual)
- Accommodation Reflex
- Extraocular movements in 6 Cardinal Fields of Gaze
- Doll's Head Maneuver (Doll's eyes)
- Trigeminal (V)
- Clench teeth (temporal and Masseter Muscles)
- Corneal Reflex
- Sharp vs. Dull
- Light touch (Cotton ball)
- Facial (VII)
- Symmetry of face
- Facial Movements (raise eyebrows, frown, smile, puff cheeks, close eyes)
- Taste of sweet, sour, and salt (bitter-CN IX)
- Acoustic (VIII)
- Hearing
- Weber and Renne Test
- Glossopharyngeal (IX) and Vagus (X)
- Uvula midline
- Gag Reflex
- Swallowing
- Bitter taste-usually tested with CN VII
- Spinal Accessory (XI)
- Shrug shoulders
- Rotate head
- Hypoglossal (XII)
- Tongue movement
Assess Motor Response
Motor performance is dependent on:
- Intact contractile mechanisms of muscles
- Neuromuscular transmission
- Cranial and spinal motor nerves
- Motor cortex
- Motor Pathways (Corticospinal and Extrapyramidal Tracks)
- Cerebellum
- Muscle tone
- Hypotonia (LMN)
- Hypertonia (UMN)
- Posturing
- Decortication-interruption of the corticospinal tracts (Flexion)
- Decebration -midbrain and upper pons (Extension)
- Involuntary Movements
- Intention tremors
- Nonintention tremors
- Postural tremors
- Tics
- Choriform Movements
- Athetosis
- Dystonia
- Fasciculations
- Myoclonus
- Tardive Dyskinesia
- Muscle Strength
- Grade 0-No Muscle Contraction (0%)
- Grade 1-Trace (10%)
- Grade 2-Active movement in the absence of gravity (25%)
- Grade 3-Active movement against gravity (50%)
- Grade 4-Active Movement against some resistance (75%)
- Grade 5-Full Motor Strength against resistance (100%)
- Hand Grasps
- Foot Pushes
- Pronator Drift
- Muscle size
- Atrophy (LMN)
- Hypertrophy (UMN)
- Assess Coordination
- Assess Gait
- Hemiplegic
- Spastic
- Involuntary Movements of Gait
- Ataxic (cerebellar)
- Steppage (foot drop)
- Festination Gait (Parkinson's Gait)
- Scissors Gait
- Waddling Gait
- Heel-to-toe (Tandem walk)
- Walk on Heels
- Walk on Toes
- Romberg test
- Hop in Place on one foot
- Shallow knee bends
- Rapid Rhythmic Alternating Movements
- Pat leg
- Turn hand over and back
- Touch each finger with thumb
- Pat examiner's hand with ball of foot
- Point to Point Testing
- Touch index finger and nose rapidly
- Run heel of foot down opposite shin
- Figure 8 with foot
Assess Sensory System
- Analgesia
- Hyperalgesia
Light touch
- Anesthesia
- Hyperesthesia
Position Sense
Discriminative Sensations
- Sterognosis
- Graphesthesia (number identification)
- Point Localization
- Two Point Discrimination
Assess Reflexes
Evaluates 1) sensory nerve; spinal cord; motor nerve; muscle group
Grading Reflexes
- 4+ very brisk, hyperactive, clonus present (UMN)
- 3+ brisker than average
- 2+ average
- 1+ somewhat diminished
- 0 no response (LMN)
- Test for Clonus
- Biceps Reflex-Cervical 5,6
- Triceps Reflex- Cervical 7,8
- Brachioradialis Reflex - Cervical 5,6
- Patellar Reflex (knee reflex) - Lumbar 2,3,4
- Achilles Reflex - Lumbar 5, Sacral 1,2
- Plantar Response (Babinski) - Lumbar 4,5, Sacral 1,2
- Abdominal Reflexes - Thoracic 8,9,10,11,12
- Cremasteric Reflex
- Grasp Reflex (Palmar Grasp)
- Snout Reflex
- Glabella (Myerson's Sign)
- Sucking and Rooting
- Plantar Grasp
- Moro
- Tonic Neck
- Step in place
- Brudzinski's Sign- Flexion of Neck
- Kernig's Sign - Flexion of Hip and Knee