Course Feedback (1)

In order to improve the course Web site and to better assist your learning, we need your help. Please read each statement below and choose one answer to each statement, and then send us your thoughts about the Web site in the comment field. Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Click on one of the choices to complete each statement below.

1. I can find the information I need for the course (e.g. session objectives, activites, assignments) from the course Web page.

Always Most times Sometimes Occasionally Never

2. I have experienced problems in accessing the course Web page.

Always Frequently Seldom Never

Name the place where you experienced (e.g.from home and/or at computer labs)

3. I have experienced problems in accessing and using the WWW bulletin board.

Always Frequently Seldom Never

Name the place where you experienced (e.g.from home and/or at computer labs)

4. I have experienced problems with email.

Always Frequently Seldom Never

Name the place where you experienced problems (e.g.from home and/or at computer labs)

5. In addition to the computer and Internet access at FGCU computer labs, I have a computer and Internet access

at home at work at a regional computer lab other (i.e. library, parent's house, etc.)

6. How often do yo uaccess the course web page.

once a day or more two/three times or more a week once a week less than once a week

7. The course Web site is very useful in assisting me to learn and to succeed in the health assement course.

Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

What additional information would you like on the course Web site?