1. Anatomy and Physiology 

II. Health History

A. Current Health Status

1. Change in hearing

2. Ear pain

3. Cerumen

B. Past Health Status

1. Injury

2. Tinnitus

3. History of ear infections

4. Drainage

5. Problems with balance, dizziness, or vertigo

6. Medications

C. Family History

D. Health Promotion and Protection

III. Examination of the Ear

A. Inspection

1. Color

2. Size

3. Drainage

    1. Nodules
    2. Lesions


B. Palpation

1. Palpate external ear (tragus)

2. Palpate mastoid process

3. Pull helix backward

C. Auditory Function Screening

    1. Gross hearing screening
    2. Whisper
    3. Watch tick test
    4. Weber's test
    5. Rinne test
    6. Conduction deafness
    7. Sensorineural deafness
    8. D. Otoscopic Examination

      1. Examine the external canal
      2. Cerumen color
      3. Tympanic membrane

* Right tympanic membrane (5 o'clock position)

* Left tympanic membrane (7 o'clock position)

4. Malleus (dense whitish streak)

5. Umbo (center of tympanic membrane)