Introduction to Behavioral Statistics


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Table of Contents

Introduction to Behavioral Statistics

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Probability, The Binomial Distribution and the Normal Curve

Using the Normal Curve to normalize a distribution of scores

Using the Normal Curve to normalize a distribution of scores

Determining the % of cases which fall between any two scores

Using the table to determine the expected frequency of any given score

The Normal Curve and Z scores: Some Final Considerations

Introduction to Behavioral Statistics

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