Output Performance Measures





Presentation Derived from Martin & Kettner’s Measuring the Performance of Human Service Programs, Sage, 1996



What Are Performance Output Measures

Broadly defined, output measures are anything that a system or human service program produces.

Output measures capture information about the type and amount of outputs produced by a system



Types of Output Performance Measures



Units of Service Defined

A unit of service is a standardized measure used to determine and report how much service is provided by a human service program. I.E. it is a unit of service volume



Types of Units of Service



Selecting a Unit of Service

Step One: Convene a focus group broadly representative of the stakeholders involved in the human service program

Step Two: Brainstorm different unit of service options (episode, contact, material; time)



Selecting a Unit of Service

Step Three: Evaluate each option against the following 5 criteria



Multiple Service Settings

Adult Day Care Services 1,000 days

Service Components


Final Output Measures

Service Completions

Defined as one client completing treatment or receiving a full complement of services



Two Approaches to Developing Service Completions

Standardized Approach:



Two Approaches to Developing Service Completions

The Case Approach Plan



Service Completions & Client Outcomes

Outcome performance measures should only be completed for clients who clients who compliment a full compliment of services. I.E. efforts should only be directed toward service completions.