Topics for Session 4

Health Care Consumer

Below are several questions for you to think about and respond to on the bulletin board. Once you have gathered your thoughts, please post your responses on the bulletin board prior to our on-line sessions scheduled for Thursday, January 29, 1998 from 4-6 PM.  During that time you can react to other students' responses.

1. Briefly review the four patient-provider prototypes and give examples of patients who you would consider fitting each prototype. For example, most health care workers would fall under the mutuality prototype. Why do you think patients for each prototype have such relationships with health care consumers?

2. Consider the different sources of health information and determine which one(s) serves the health care consumer in the best way and which one(s) may cause more harm than good.

3. We have all had our share of "good" and "bad" patients. Tell us about one of your "good" and "bad" patients and why do you think they acted the way they did. This is your time to vent.

Class discussion/bulletin board

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