Topics for Session 12

Career Advancement & Marketing Strategies

Below are several questions for you to think about and respond to on the bulletin board. Once you have gathered your thoughts, please post your responses on the bulletin board prior to our on-line sessions scheduled for Thursday, April 9, 1998 from 4-6 PM.  During that time you can react to other students' responses.

1. Consider how you chose your profession. What influenced your decision to choose that profession as a career? Did you have any type of career counselling in helping you make this decision?

2. Do you see yourself still practicing in your original health care profession 10, 15, or 20 years from today? Why or why not?

3. Do you agree with the percentages of unsatisfied employees as stated in the 1995 Newspaper Association of America Study? What are some reasons for job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in your own workplace?

Class discussion/bulletin board

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