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Be a Health Care Consumer Browser

Being a health care professional gives you an advantage as a health care consumer. Pretend for a moment that you are not a health professional. You are interested in finding out about a certain illness or condition. Browse the Internet and see what you find.

  1. Develop a scenario about the illness or condition and why you are interested in finding information about it. For example, your friend has shingles and you want to find treatments for the condition.
  2. Briefly summarize the information you find related to the illness or condition.
  3. Was the information easy or difficult to find?
  4. Briefly evaluate the information you found. Was the information satisfactory or were there suspicious claims or statements made?

Assignment due Friday, January 30, 1998.

You may submit your assignment in one of two ways. The first way is to do the assignment as a Word document and then attach the document to an e-mail. The second way is to send in your assignment via the Web. If you wish to send your "Be a Health Care Consumer Browser" assignment to your instructor via the Web, please use the following form:

Please fill in the following information:
Name: Email address

Assignment Results:

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