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Philosophy Statements and Codes of Ethics

1. Using the Internet or other resources, locate your profession's philosophy statement and/or Code of Ethics. Relate how the philosophy statement and Code of Ethics of your profession explain the four beliefs of philosophy statements.

2. Briefly summarize the Code of Ethics of your profession in a short paragraph and post on the bulletin board prior to the class exchange to allow others to review what other professional Codes of Ethics contain. This will be the basis of our discussion on the bulletin board for this lesson.

You may submit your assignment in one of two ways. The first way is to do the assignment as a Word document and then attach the document to an e-mail. The second way is to send in your assignment via the Web. If you wish to send your "Philosophy Statements and Code of Ethics" assignment to your instructor via the Web, please use the following form:

Please fill in the following information:
Name: Email address

Assignment Results: