You have completed this leg of your journey if you can answer the following:
Do you understand the theoretical orientation of the following:
- E. B. Tylor
- Lewis Henry Morgan
- Franz Boas
- A. R. Radcliffe-Brown
- Ruth Benedict
- Margaret Mead
- Leslie White
- Claude Levi-Strauss
Can you describe the following approaches to anthropology:
- Cultural evolution
- Historical particularism
- Diffusionism
- Functionalism
- Psychological/Personality studies
- Structuralism
- Ethnoscience
- Culture ecology
- Political economy
- Sociobiology
- Interpretive approaches
Can you describe the scientific process
- Generating theories
- Creating explanations
- Testing the explanations
- Operationalization and Measurement
- Sampling
- Statistical evaluation
Can you distinguish different kinds of cultural research
- Ethnography
- Within-Culture comparisions
- Cross cultural research
- Historical research