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Do you know? ...

You have completed this leg of your journey if you can answer the following:

Do you understand the theoretical orientation of the following:

  1. E. B. Tylor
  2. Lewis Henry Morgan
  3. Franz Boas
  4. A. R. Radcliffe-Brown
  5. Ruth Benedict
  6. Margaret Mead
  7. Leslie White
  8. Claude Levi-Strauss

Can you describe the following approaches to anthropology:

  1. Cultural evolution
  2. Historical particularism
  3. Diffusionism
  4. Functionalism
  5. Psychological/Personality studies
  6. Structuralism
  7. Ethnoscience
  8. Culture ecology
  9. Political economy
  10. Sociobiology
  11. Interpretive approaches

Can you describe the scientific process

  1. Generating theories
  2. Creating explanations
  3. Testing the explanations
    • Operationalization and Measurement
    • Sampling
    • Statistical evaluation

Can you distinguish different kinds of cultural research

  1. Ethnography
  2. Within-Culture comparisions
  3. Cross cultural research
  4. Historical research

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