![]() My approach has been influenced by two schools, culture ecology or ecological anthropology, and functionalism. As an undergraduate, I took courses from Dr. Allyn Stearman who had worked with the Yuqui in Bolivia. She added to my intellectual development by introducing me to field work and human ecology (how humans interact with their environment). My intellectual enculturation through Dr. Stearman was but an evolution from those who preceded her in anthropology. Dr. Stearman was influenced by Dr. Paul Doughty, who was influenced by Alan Holmberg, who was influenced by Brownislaw Malinowski. Makinowski's approach was functional. Cultural institutions, like religion, persisted in culture if they were functional or useful. Religion served a purpose to reduce anxiety for the participants, so it would remain a vital part of a culture. A behavior continues within a society because it is adaptive. We can think of many ways that human cultural adaptation might enhance our survival. Creating fur parkas in the Arctic would improve our chances to stay alive during long cold winters. On the other hand, some cultural behaviors are maladaptive, such as drunken driving. Can you think of other maladaptive human traits? Why do you think maladaptive traits persist?