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Answer Questions (Session 8)

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Using your own words, provide short answers for the following questions. You may use your book to help you understand but write your own interpretation and give examples from your own culture. (20 points)

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Give Short Answers to the Following Questions:

1. Throughout US history, the taller candidate for presidential election has been more likely to win. A. Why do you think that occurs? B. How does the greater height of men relate to the fact that a much larger percentage of men are political leaders compared to women?

2. How do the following theories explain gender roles? The Strength theory, compatibility-with-child-theory, economy of effort theory, and the expendability theory.

3. How has the concept of the male bread-winner changed our society? Why?

4. What gender differences in personality have been discovered recently? What has the Six Cultures Project demonstrated about personality?

5. How are premarital and extramarital sex controlled in various societies? (e.g. What are the differences? Are there any differences due to the degree of complexity? If so, what are they?

6. What restriction does our society place on pre- and extramarital sex? Ask an elder in your social network about how "times have changed" since they were young.

7. Re-read the section on homosexuality and the reason's for restrictiveness in sexual behavior. Discuss how cultures vary in their attitude toward same sex relationships. Relate prohibition of homosexual behaviors to restrictiveness concerning other sexual behavior.

8. Refer to the Current Issues box titled "Why Do Some Societies Allow Women to Participate in Combat?" what are the two factors that seem to be necessary to allow women to participate in combat? Would you expect the United States to eventually allow women to participate?

9. Discuss the difference between primary and secondary subsistence.

10. List some biological or physical ways in which men differ in general from women. What is this difference called?

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