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Dr. Tom Valesky

Instructor Information
Address: Academic Building 3 Room 293,  FGCU, 10501 FGCU Blvd, Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565
Office Hours:  I have online office hours at anytime through email. In addition, we can arrange online chats--upon email request. We can also set an appointment to meet in person at any time at the university.
Appointments: I will be happy to meet with students at times other than regular office hours. Please see call for an appointment.
Phone:  941-590-7793 direct line and voice mail (Valesky)
FAX: 941-590-7801
Email: Tvalesky@FGCU.EDU
Web site: http://coe.fgcu.edu/edleadership/
WebBoard http://onyx.fgcu.edu/~143
Reading List: Click here to see the reading list for course required book review.
Owens, R. G. (2001). Organizational behavior in education (7th ed) Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Catalog Description
Administration course that addresses change, influences, and planning systems. Also examines personnel functions for administrators. 
Course Purpose
This course is designed to provide a theoretical foundation for leadership. Students are exposed to the major theories related to motivation, change, organization behavior, decision making, and leadership. These theories are used as the foundation to address educational change and planning systems, and are woven into current topics of school reform and research.
Course Objectives
A. Knowledge of basic leadership theories with a focus on systems theory and transformational leadership

B. Knowledge of basic theories of human motivation

C. Knowledge of effects of group dynamics in managing productive interaction of school personnel

D. Identification of basic concepts of the change process

E. Recognition of the importance of external influences that impact the school

F. Knowledge of the components, stages, and appropriate applications of macro and micro planning systems

Organizational Management
A. Knowledge of the need to be responsible for all school events

B. Recognition of the importance of forcefulness and self-confidence in decision making

C. Knowledge of the need for a set of values for the school

D. Knowledge of the need for gathering information before arriving at an understanding of an event or problem

E. Recognition of the relationships among sources of information; generation of hypotheses based on this information

F. Recognition of the need for concern for the image of the school via impressions created by students and staff; management of impressions through public relations

G. Recognition of the importance of feedback in monitoring progress

H. Recognition of the need for planning in goal accomplishment

I. Recognition of the need for delegating authority and responsibility in accomplishing organizational goals

A. Knowledge of the communication process

B. Knowledge of the relationship between effective communication and interpersonal relationships

C. Knowledge of the effect one's behavior and decisions have on other individuals and on the culture and climate of groups and organizations

D. Knowledge of the purpose, presentation, and management of information

E. Knowledge of a variety of communication techniques

F. Knowledge of effective communication skills in school- community relationships

G. Ability to write effectively on a topic

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