Group Activity

Organizational Change, 
Decision-Making, and Culture

Your group represents the site council of a high school. Your school has experienced a great deal of problems among the staff over the last two or three years regarding the decision to become a site-based school. The group of teachers who voted against becoming site-based have become increasingly hostile toward overall school goals, and they have been accused of purposely sabotaging efforts to achieve their goals. The main complaint of the minority is that the school has decided to become a magnate school that focuses on a curriculum related to medical and engineering careers. The minority group is composed mainly of teachers of language arts, the humanities, and visual and performing arts. Because the superintendent has heard that there is a lack of consensus among the staff, the school has not yet been designated a magnate school by the district.

The task of your site council is to come up with a plan that will:

1. deal with the hostilities of the two groups of staff members.

2. attempt to resolve the poor school climate.

3. resolve the issue of becoming a magnate school.

In your plan, include the following:
1. The basic change strategy that you will use. Perhaps you will want to combine several aspects of various strategies (see Chapter 6).