Hersey and Blanchard’s Leadership Model
Leader Effectiveness and Adaptability Description
B. Make yourself available for discussion, but don’t push your involvement.
C. Talk with subordinates and then set goals.
D. Intentionally do not intervene.
B. Take no definite action.
C. Do what you canto make the group member feel important and involved.
D. Emphasize the importance of deadlines and tasks.
B. Let the division work it out.
C. Act quickly and firmly to correct and redirect.
D. Encourage members to work on the problem and be supportive of their efforts.
B. Announce changes and then implement them with close supervision.
C. Allow division to formulate its own direction.
D. Incorporate division recommendations, but you direct the change.
B. Incorporate division recommendations, but see that objectives are met.
C. Redefine roles and and responsibilities and supervise carefully.
D. Allow division involvement in determining roles and responsibilities,
but don’t be too directive.
B. Emphasize the importance of deadlines.
C. Intentionally do not intervene.
D. Get division members involved in decision making, but see that objectives
are met.
B. Participate with the workgroup in developing the change but allow members to organize the implementation.
C. Be willing to make changes as recommended, but maintain control of implementation.
D. Avoid confrontation; leave things alone.
A. Leave the division alone.
C. Take steps to direct subordinates toward working in a well-defined manner.
D. Be supportive in discussing the situation with the division but not too directive.
B. Incorporate group recommendations, but see that objectives are met.
C. Redefine goals and supervise carefully.
D. Incorporate division recommendations, but see that new standards
are met.
B. Redefine standards and supervise carefully.
C. Avoid confrontation by not applying pressure; leave situation alone.
D. Incorporate division recommendations, but see that new standards
are met.
B. Involve subordinates in decision making and reinforce good contributions.
C. Discuss past performance with the division, and then you examine the need for new practices.
D. Continue to leave group alone,
A. Try out your solution with subordinates and examine the need for new practices.
C. Act quickly and firmly to correct and redirect.
D. Participate in problem discussion while providing support for subordinates.
Below, circle the letter that you have chosen for each situation under
Section I (Style Range) and also Section II (Style Adaptability). Then
count the total number of circles for each sub-column under Section I (Style
Range) and Section II (Style Adaptability) and enter the count in the spaces
Section I Section II
Style Range Style Adaptability
Totals |
Multiply Total in Column I by -2 =
Multiply Total in Column II by -1 =
Multiply Total in Column III by +1 =
Multiply Total in Column IV by +2 =
Explanation of Scores
Columns Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 represent the same quadrant names in Hersey and Blanchard's Maturity Theory of Leadership. Your scores show the total number of times you selected an action from that quadrant. Ideally, your scores should be the number 4 for each quadrant because the answers to the 12 situations are evenly spread among the four quadrants. If your score is very high in one particular quadrant, you tend to respond to most situations from that particular leadership style. For example if you have a high number in quadrant IV, you tend to delegate more than you should. In other words, your range of styles is limited. If your numbers are fairly close together, say 3s, 4s, and 5s, then you have a fairly good range of leadership styles that you favor.
Column IV is the correct response for each situation according to the Hersey and Blanchard theory. In other words, if you got a 12 in column IV, then you answered the survey perfectly according to the theory, and your Grand Total on the survey will be 24. The next best answer is in column III, and the worst answer in column I.
(Just for your information, when your professor took this survey the first time, I got a 17. I got 8 correct, and 4 wrong, with 2 in column III, and one each in the other two columns.)
Hope you had some fun doing this and learned something about Hersey
Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory and yourself.