Florida Gulf Coast University

College of Health Professions

Department of Nursing

Assessment of Student Practice

NUR 4636C Community Partnered Care

Hours for Week: _________ Cumulative Hours: ________

Student Name ____________________________Practice Partner ______________________________Date(s) _________________Agency____________________________

Faculty believe nursing is the study and practice of caring. Caring is a way of being. Students of the discipline rise to the expectations placed on them under the guidance and mentoring of faculty who encourage them to be self-directed and accountable. Students flourish in an environment of positive feedback and reinforcement. Opportunities to blend theory and practice in praxis are designed to assist students to develop practice judgment. The following guidelines and criteria can be applied to any clinical practice experience to facilitate self-assessment as well as faculty assessment of student learning.


It is expected that every student will always:

Exhibit professional behavior, appearance, demeanor and promptness.

Practice confidentiality and honors individual privacy issues.

Demonstrate honesty and integrity.

Satisfactorily complete required competencies


INDEPENDENT: Practice is safe, accurate, proficient, coordinated, without supporting cues; focuses on the client.

SUPERVISED: Practice is safe, efficient, completed within a reasonable time period, with occasional supporting cues; Focuses on the client.

ASSISTED: Practice is safe, skillful in parts of behavior, frequent verbal and directive cues in addition to supportive cues; focuses more on skill and self rather than the client. Praxis with assistance.

MARGINAL* Practice is safe but not alone, unskilled and inefficient, continuous verbal and frequent physical cues. Focus on skills and/or self. No evidence of praxis. * *Must be accompanied by a plan for improvement.

UNSATISFACTORY Practice is unsafe.

ASSUMPTIONS: Students will demonstrate satisfactory performance in all eight (8) areas by the final evaluation.

At mid-term, an assessment of UNSATISFACTORY performance will be accompanied by a plan for improvement developed by the faculty member and the student. At final evaluation, any assessment of MARGINAL performance after a mid-term evaluation of UNSATISFACTORY will generate a Learning Contract. The guiding principle here is that the student has demonstrated improved performance since the mid-term evaluation AND MAY REGISTER FOR ANOTHER CLINICAL COURSE during which continued growth is expected.

A student who received a MARGINAL at mid-term and continues to demonstrate MARGINAL performance by the final evaluation will receive an UNSATISFACTORY.

Any assessment of UNSATISFACTORY in any area at final evaluation is grounds for failure of the course based on the assessment that the student has demonstrated no improvement in performance.

Clinical scale Rev 11/27/98



Practice Assessment

Faculty Mentor


Reflective Comments

  1. Caring






Demonstrates caring and compassion towards self, colleagues, clients, and their families; Collaborates with clients and other health care providers to facilitate maximum health potential; Advocates for clients, families, and staff; Treats others with respect and dignity.

  • Cultural Connectedness





    Supports clients’ and families’ beliefs, values, literacy, and language; Plans nursing care based on client culture; Respects alternative as well as traditional health care practices

    1. Communication






    Demonstrates transpersonal communication; Interviews and collects data in a purposeful goal-directed manner; Organizes thoughts and communicates through a wide range of communication channels




  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving





    Exhibits sound judgment in nursing practice; Self-directed and seeks guidance from appropriate resources; Bases nursing care on theoretical and ethical rationale; Relates research findings to practice; Identifies and analyzes practice situations and takes appropriate action; Integrates knowledge, values, and competencies in nursing practice. Defends and supports own decisions/actions as appropriate with other health care providers; Exhibits tolerance for ambiguity; Offers innovative and creative suggestions to enhance client outcomes; Engages in self-reflection

  • Health Promotion/Community Focus





    Demonstrates knowledge of community agencies and makes referrals to the benefit of clients and families; Incorporates health promotion in all aspects of nursing care; Assists clients to access and interpret health information; Initiates community partnerships; Identifies & develops strategies to address environmental factors affecting health




  • Technological Literacy





    Demonstrates skill in using technologies appropriate to health care; Demonstrates beginning ability to utilize nursing informatics






  • Ethical Responsibility





    Accepts responsibility for own actions; Applies a Professio

    nal Nursing Code of Ethics and standards to nursing







    8. Leadership






    Exhibits a personal commitment to the discipline; Collaborates with other disciplines

    to achieve coordinated care and positive client outcomes; Manages time, effort, and

    resources wisely; Complies with agency policies; Delegates appropriately;

    Optimizes personal learning experiences

    Faculty ________________________ Date: ________ Student: _______________________ Date: ________ Faculty _______________________ Date: _________