The maze as a metaphor was selected to be the visual representation of the relationship between and among components of this course: learning outcomes, competencies, content, and assessment.  

Each of the numbers on the maze corresponds to the module that students will complete. If you click on the number, you will be link to a page of that particular module.  

 Student Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to develop an in-depth knowledge of assessment, evaluation, measurement, and testing as well as improve their skills in constructing valid and reliable tests.  

    Demonstrate an awareness of the philosophical origins of measurement  

    Understand the role of measurement and assessment in teaching.  

    Construct measurable instructional goals and objectives.  

    Judge adequateness of instructional objectives  

    Demonstrate knowledge of validity.  

    1. Define validity  
    2. Identify appropriate types of validity (given the goal of a test)  
    3. Understands factors which influence validity
    Demonstrate knowledge of reliability.  
    1. define reliability  
    2. identify appropriate estimations of reliability (given the goal of a test)  
    3. understands factors which influence reliability
    Select appropriate methods of assessment.  
    1. Construct the assessment  
    2 Interpret the results of the assessment
    Interpret results from standardized tests  

    Communicate effectively the results of standardized and classroom tests.  

Site Map
Updated last 1999 by CF&MD staff.  
Please direct comments to the website developer.  
Copyright 1999 Hewitt-Gervais & Baylen 
All rights reserved.
Florida Gulf Coast University  
College of Professional Studies  
School of Education